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Monday, October 12, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Muir Boda's Ad

I was just browsing on my phone and this ad just popped up. I think this just answered my long-standing question..."Who funds a Wal-Mart worker's numerous campaigns?"

These people got Jake Day elected last time, and since he's the defacto Mayor, I think they're spending their money to control the Council to oppose Jimmy Boy's rent control


  1. What has Day ever done as a "professional city planner"? Is that what he does working for his father at Perdue?

  2. I hope voters havent forgotton how he screwed over the Salvation Army and the poor people of this area.

  3. Time for a name change -- SAPOAbury!

  4. Good deal. Jimmy Boy's rent control will never pass.

  5. Another Shannie Shields.

  6. Salisbury has just gone to hell. I give up!

  7. Better Boda than the two other candidates in his district, Ames and the other guy nobody's heard of before.

  8. Somebody at the Realty Association screwed up. Boda is running in District TWO, not District 3.

  9. Boda is a candidate for District 2, not 3. His mailer has the wrong info.

  10. Wrong information on a campaign mailer? Now that is reassuring.

  11. Day's job as a "city planner" is to implement Agenda 21. Small houses, high taxes, easy to control entrances/exits to restrict freedom of travel, and loss of property rights through zoning (among other things).

  12. He is buddies with Sarah Rayne and Ben Rayne. Where do you think Sarah Rayne works?

  13. Keep trying Muir I give you credit for staying the course. You have been beat more then the Baltimore Ravens for heavens sakes. If losing builds character this guy has a ton lol


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