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Friday, October 23, 2015

2 uniformed Secret Service officers found sleeping on the job

WASHINGTON (WJLA) — Federal watchdogs discovered two uniformed Secret Service officers sleeping on the job during an audit last August.

In a report released Thursday, the Office of the Inspector General says one officer was at his post at the White House, the other at an unnamed embassy. ABC News is reporting that it was the Israeli Embassy.

One officer told investigators he had taken cold medicine that made him drowsy. The OIG found the other officer had worked 60 hours of overtime in the pay period leading up to the incident.



  1. Based on prior SS scandals I have to ask, sleeping with who?

  2. FIRE both of them.

  3. Let sleeping watchdogs lie?

  4. 2:49 why? I for one want security to be lax so a nut can kill Obama, and I am sure I am not alone on this!

  5. What a disgrace the Obama administration has made of our SS, MILITARY, FBI, !!! When you lower the standards this is what you get. Never have we heard of ANYTHING from these entities until the community organizer cult of Chicago. People talk about how little experience Trump has to become president. Look and oBama and his lowlife crew.

  6. hookers, booze & partying makes you tired

  7. seems good to me concerting what the rest of the government does and fire them for what Lois Learner and Mrs Clinton did much worse and nothing is going to happen to them

  8. I agree, let them sleep. If something were to happen to obama the world would immediately become a better place though I would rather him face a slow painful death where each day he won't know if it will be his last. He deserves that. He's an evil man and the only thing worse than him are his supporters. Very very evil wicked people all of them are.


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