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Friday, October 09, 2015

10 Everyday Objects That Harbor Germs

Bacteria, viruses, and other germs are everywhere. They are on your skin and even inside of you. Germs are on everyday objects that you encounter in your house, at the store, or on your way to work. We may not give some of these items a second thought, but should probably consider how many germs actually live on them. Discover 10 common objects some people use every day that are hot beds for germs.
1. Germs on Your TV Remote

Most people don't consider their TV remote to be a potential vehicle for the transfer ofbacteria and viruses. This item is used every day and touched by many hands that may be contaminated with food, mucous, fecal matter, urine, or dirt. Remotes are often dropped on the floor, lost in the couch, or end up in the mouth of the family pet. Germs can survive on TV remote surfaces for several hours. With that in mind, it is essential that your TV remote be cleaned often with alcohol-free disinfectant wipes. Don't forget about cleaning those TV remotes in hotels, hospitals, or other public areas before touching them. Washing and drying your hands after using a TV remote can also prevent the spread of germs.



  1. They forgot the ATM and touchscreen at Wawa.

  2. You can make your self sicker by the over use of antibacterial cleaners. You need germs to help your body build up a resistance, so it isn't always in your best interest to have everything cleaned or sterilized. Same goes to people who close up their houses and don't have pets. You need to be around it to build up an immunity, if not, you will just become sick more often.

  3. Just touching germs and having them on your skin won't hurt you. They key is to not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your fingertips and you won't infect yourself with anything.


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