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Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Your Thoughts On This?

"What that means is that releasing the $68 million for GCEI in the current fiscal year does not create an expectation of...

Posted by Maryland Democratic Party on Wednesday, September 9, 2015


  1. he should not. We need to have a real conversation about education. Just throwing more money at it really does not work.

  2. What the dumbocrats fail to realize is that everyone is facing cuts - nobody is exempt.

    When you have schools spending millions on credit cards so people can go to lunch - that's excessive and should be cut.

    Quit your whining - or volunteer that the money will be donated by YOU!

    Thanks Governor Hogan for cutting like this! Keep going!

  3. keep it up gov hogan. this state wastes way too much money now. thanks to omalley. thanks sjd

  4. Find more to cut from the bloated under achieving education crooks ruining marylands education system! I want to see a voucher system. Its the only way. Placing it Back in our hand not theirs.


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