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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why college students should be in opposition to a $15 minimum wage

While there’s no polling data I can find that specifically highlights the opinion of college students on a $15 minimum wage, my Facebook news feed makes it abundantly clear that many young adults wholeheartedly embrace the idea of the federal government doubling the minimum wage. The issue has become a central part of the campaigns of presidential candidates such as Bernie Sanders, who has a very real chance of becoming the Democratic nominee.

Why in particular is the “Fight for $15” such an attractive idea for college students? The answer is probably twofold: One, college students tend to be a pretty caring bunch. We see the protesters of the “Fight for $15” movement as people who need a higher wage to support themselves and their families, and we feel an injustice is being done when someone works hard all week and still doesn’t have enough money.

Secondly, many college students perceive a personal benefit from a $15 minimum wage. For those of us who work a part-time job on the campus or at local stores, this proposal would surely lead to much larger paychecks and more spending money.

Both this genuine concern for the well-being of others and our own rational self-interest are good motives for supporting any policy proposal. At the same time, they are good motives for not supporting policy proposals. Keeping in mind our concern for others and our own self-interest, we have good reason as college students to fight against a $15 minimum wage.



  1. I am truly amazed. A college student that actually understands the implications of raising the minimum wage to $15/hr. It won't help the poor and it will hurt young workers. It certainly won't hurt the wealthy. They don't eat at fast food or shop at Wmart and Target or Sears.

  2. Funny, my daughter graduated 4+ years in her field from SU and landed a $12.50 job in her field right after. 2010 or so. So, those who don't even go to college will be paid more, and those who do will get the same, only with years of student loan debt.

    I get it?

  3. 15 an hour will only produce fewer jobs for anybody looking to work. It will easier to replace workers with robotic kiosks.

  4. Just more party and drunk driving drinking money. That's all.


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