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Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Why are the Elite Orchestrating Such Amateurish False Flag Shootings?

The recent spate of amateurish false flag shootings,

…which are now being rolled out at an increasingly rapid pace, give one cause to wonder: why? Why are the elite orchestrating such feeble and poorly executed false flag shootings? With all their money, power, control of the media, control of law enforcement and control of politicians, why can’t they make these false flag shootings look more real? Aren’t they worried that with such amateurish false flag shootings they are running the risk of being caught? Of being exposed? Of doing such an atrocious job that it defies common belief, and thus acts as a catalyst to wake people up?
Ridiculous, Poorly Executed and Utterly Fake Aspects of Recent False Flag Shootings

Around the world, and especially in America, the number of false flag operations these days (whether they be false flag shootings, false flag bombings or any other kind of false flag attack) is truly astonishing. Another day, another false flag. Both the quantity and quality of them are surreal. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we live in a world where people are unconscious enough to sacrifice and murder others in cold blood to achieve a political goal, and where other people are gullible enough to buy into the official narrative time after time without any further investigation.

Take a look at the most recent amateurish false flag shooting in Virginia on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 (the WDBJ TV News report shooting). As Bernie Suarez of Activist Post pointed out, there are so many loose ends, coincidences and fakery in this one that it’s really quite incredible. Since YouTube has embarked on censorship (just like it did after the false flag attack in Charlie Hebdo in France), it is hard to find the video clip, but you can see some of it in this video (also embedded above).



  1. People like this are kooks. If they ever read Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter they would probably think that was true too.

  2. OK, so I just wasted my lunch hour watching that video, and I'll take a few more minutes to post some comments, I'm glad this site still allows that. Unlike fat scooter driver bloggers site. So here goes. Hey! Conspiracy boy!!! Look, imagine a young girl has just seen the scary black gay angry kook that got fired from your mutual place of employment, what would a dem sheep raised by an anti gunner sheep do? She stuck her head in the sand and did what you did when I shoved you into your locker in high school while you were moving the video projector between classes. You ignored me. And Gay black cook didn't walk up brandishing the gun, he checked his focus and put it away, then drew when he had his nerve up. And it's a knee brace you idiot, a freakin knee brace. Now move out of your parents basement and realize that evil does exist, and in this case, an angry lunatic homo black man was incited by the president to kill whitey. Make a video about that you moron!

    1. Glad you wasted your break to watch the video. Shame your just know doing so. Even more of a shame that your to stupid to see how fake it really is. But I guess since your the type to stiff kids in lockers ,I'm sure you can't have the privilege to own a weapon, therefore your clueless as to how a weapon works and whatnot would do to a tiny chick like the reporter. Not to mention the countless other things that are obvious.

    2. Look, I was just kidding about the locker while disparaging you. I'm sorry. But seriously, do you really believe that some shadowy government/illumminati employees cooked this up? The black guy was nuts! Got it? , Lool, look, let me ask you a question, what round was in the black gay escort's weapon? Anybody know? What was the pistol and round dug out of the 100 pound reporter?

      Next question, how many on this blog have been shot? I know one guy who has been shot and he trolls this blog, dude chime in with that story you told me-


  3. This all started with the fake shooting of Kennedy, then the Hollywood production of the fake Moon Landing. They then decided to go on and on, even to the demolition of a couple of buildings in New York. The biggest fake is this Black President that came from Africa.

  4. The fact that you have to ask shows how stupid you people are... They commit false flags to make you scared... So you will keep giving money to them for your safety...

    How is that safety working out for you???

  5. "The fact that you have to ask shows how stupid you people are.." I read a study somewhere that identified conspiracy theorists as lonely losers with minimal self-esteem. Note that they always begin their rants by disparaging everyone who doesn't think as they do. They know 'things' that most ordinary people don't and that gives them a feeling of superiority. Pathetic, really.

  6. I'm pretty effing comfortable and not worried about being a victim. Pity the fool that tries to make me one.

  7. 4:27 not so much that they know things others don't, more so that they pay attention to details others don't, while taking in all information subjectively

  8. There is an ulterior motive underlying all of these incidents horrific as they are however, they are most likely real. The rainbow warriors don't' have to stage these events. They have enough psychotic drugs, and useful idiots of the pharmaceutical industry microchips, nanobots, ELF waves, Obama's racism project. There are so many ways to basically cause people to do these things. They just need to sit back and take advantage of the situations as they arise. All to reinforce their anti gun agenda. You must understand they have to disarm us in order to fully control this country to fully implement the new world order. This is a goal that must be accomplished. Don't believe a word of the post deception frenzy that follows these events. Always question authority, never accept the media's interpretation of anything If you think our government doesn't lie to us or the media doesn't lie to us. YOU are the biggest fool in this country. Some of you fall for it so easy. So I'm sure you types will be first in line for your forehead stamp.


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