It is that special time of year again, when Chestertown residents wake from their long, peaceful summer nap and start eyeing the houses around them to see who may be moving in. Strange cars with license plates from Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York are poorly parked in prime spaces, or roar down the streets blaring strange music, if one could even call it that. And young people talking loudly fill the sidewalks in clothes that are: a. too bright, b. too tight, c. too revealing or d. all of the above.
That's right. This is when we remember that our sleepy little spot on the Chester River is in fact a college town. Chestertown is home to Washington College, the venerated liberal arts and sciences institution founded in 1782 with the approval of none other than the nation's first president himself, George "I cannot tell a lie" Washington.
It is said that because of his renowned hatchet skills, Washington cleared out the cherry orchard that previously occupied the campus. Remember that key fact, freshmen. Ask your American History professors about it. They will be impressed by your knowledge of the area.
i love college girls in clothes that are too tight.