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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

WCSO Press Release - September 16, 2015

Jermel MossJermel Moss
Incident: CDS Possession / Malicious Destruction of Property

Date of Incident: 15 September 2015

Location: Wicomico County, MD

Suspect: Jermel Lee Moss, 26, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 15 September 2015 at 11:54 PM, a deputy made contact with Jermel Moss during an investigation on Naylor Street in Salisbury. During the encounter Moss made a statement that he had been using drugs all day and had marijuana with him. During a subsequent search the deputy did locate marijuana but also recovered what would be identified as ecstasy. The deputy placed Moss under arrest and transported him to the Sheriff’s Office for processing.

While in a cell at the Sheriff’s Office, Moss defecated on the floor and then took the feces in his hand and not only wiped it on the wall of the cell but also wrote with it. Moss also spread the feces on the glass window of the cell.

The deputy transported Moss to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Moss in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.

Charges: Possession of CDS
                Malicious Destruction of Property
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson        Date:  16 September 2015


  1. They should have hog-tied him

  2. How many chances is this ****** going to get!? He behaves the same way in jail every damn time. Why do we keep letting him back out?

  3. Another representative of the alleged and most notorious crime ridden Moss Family is at it again and again and again. I can't believe that this Moss Terrorizing Klan of criminals have yet to rounded up and caged like the animals they have completely shown in my lifetime. (So far sixty years) Salisbury could do so much better without this family, their friends and their foe.

  4. Obviously an Eagle Scout and Valedictorian of his graduating class. Wait a minute....did he graduate?

  5. Maybe if he were to get his face rubbed in that mess, he would think twice before doing it again.

  6. black feces matters!


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