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Monday, September 14, 2015

WATCH: Iran Releases ISIS-Style Video, Vows to 'Humiliate' U.S. If War Breaks Out

Iran's supreme leader has released an ISIS-style YouTube propaganda video, declaring that his country would defeat the United States if a war breaks out.

The video from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, entitled "If any war happens...," begins with President Obama stating that the U.S. could "knock out [Iran's] military" quickly if it chose to do so.

Khamenei then says "our predecessors used to call such statements 'boasting among strangers.'"

“We neither welcome nor begin any war,” he continues, as the video shows images of the Iranian military, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and an animation of an Iranian missile striking U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.



  1. We really don't need any reason other than the fact that we need to keep our military machine running at whatever billion/ trillion dollars a year. What you do in your country doesn't matter.

    If we are in need of a war, we will pick a country and make up a reason and send out a false flag, and your arse will be considered grass.

    Any questions can be directed to my Mom.

    Got it?

  2. The whole thing is silly. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is not going to nuke anybody. He knows very well to do so would bring all the nukes of the free world down on his country. also he could well be dead before he/ we get to see if Israel is there or not in 25 years. I know there is a chance,a good one, I will be dead. But everybody who is here 25 years from now will see Israel still here too and likely scrapping with their neighbors just as they do now.

  3. Will dems stand uo against ISIIS nope, it will be us Rednecks busting ass.


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