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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Walmart Cutting Workers’ Hours As It Increases Wages

In recent months, Walmart increased pay for entry-level employees so that all workers were making at least $9/hour. At the same time, the retailer’s earnings have come up short of expectations, leading Walmart to instruct managers to curb spending by cutting hours for some workers.

Bloomberg News reports that Walmart HQ recently explained to store managers that if they have over-scheduled their staff — that is, if the store’s sales projections aren’t in line with its labor spending — they may need to do things like send people home early or direct them to take a longer, unpaid lunch break. Bloomberg says dozens of employees have confirmed these types of hour reductions in their stores have already begun to take place.



  1. Saw that coming we did!

  2. Less hours, same paycheck, less customer service, more empty shelves.

    Got it!

  3. Welcome to the real world, pay protesters.
    Real world economics: 'labor' is a cost of doing business. If that cost goes up, businesses will 'buy' less of it.
    It's just like stuff on store shelves. If you keep raising the price of bread, pretty soon the shelves will remain full and the carts will be empty, because there is a limit to how much somebody will pay for bread.
    And if they have to pay somebody $15/hr to put bread on shelves (and it takes twice as long as it should because they're busy messing with their cellphone), the 'empty cart' phenomenon will appear even sooner.
    I guess this will be the economics lesson that you didn't get in the public school you went to.

  4. I was there last weekend at the north Salisbury Walmart. Only two registers open for "SPEEDY CHECKOUT" was in a long line for almost a half an hour!!! Absolutely hate going there. Only go there as a last resort if I can't find something anywhere else! Worst place to shop and the worst customer service. Black check ladies are prejudiced as well! Won't even give you eye contact or thank you for shopping at Walmart!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I believe I remember that Sam Walton once said there would never be more than 3 people in line to checkout. He died some years ago and the Walton family did not follow thru on this. I do not shop at Walmart very often, and usually get very frustrated when I do when the shelves are not stacked well. I prefer to shop sales at other stores.


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