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Friday, September 25, 2015

Useless Idiots

Good grief. Scott Walker can't even drop out of the presidential race without invoking Ronald Reagan! He began his exit speech, "As a kid, I was drawn to Ronald Reagan ..." then went on to read a statement written for him by GOP donors, calling on the other one-percenters (in the polls) to get out, so that the party can nominate a "conservative alternative to the current front-runner."

A true admirer might have recalled that the front-runner terrifying Republican insiders in the summer of 1979 –– was one Ronald Reagan. (And surely, everyone remembers how Reagan's constant droning on about Dwight Eisenhower propelled Dutch to victory and allowed him to crush the Soviet War machine and usher in 20 years of peace and prosperity.)

Which reminds me: Perhaps Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are soaring in the polls not because they're "outsiders," but because they're not dumb. I notice that, other than Ted Cruz, they're the only GOP candidates for president who went to top schools.

I think we want a president who's better than us.



  1. From the article: "I think we want a president who's better than us.

    Sadly, the truth is, we have for 25 yrs, elected the lowest common denominator to every political seat in the land. Not only the lowest common denominator, but apparently the most easily corruptible, as well.

    Any questions on why we are where we are, today? Here's a clue, RE-ELECT NO-ONE. AND KEEP DOING IT, UNTIL THE MORONS RUNNING GET A CLUE THAT THEY ANSWER TO US.

  2. The inner city sheep ONLY want to know WHACH YOU GONNA FIS ME. I'M GONNA GET ME SOME OBAMA MONEY.


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