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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

US Under New Pressure To Absorb Syrian Refugees

The surge of refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn regions is putting immense pressure not only on Europe but also the United States, as the Obama administration faces calls to take a more active role in the humanitarian crisis.

At the same time, some lawmakers on Capitol Hill are warning that loosening immigration rules to take them in would pose a serious security risk. For the Obama administration – and the one that succeeds it – there are no easy answers.

To be sure, many of the millions fleeing civil war and terror come from countries with a strong Islamic State presence, and lawmakers have warned that applicants must be properly vetted for terror ties. But the images emerging from Europe over the past several weeks underscore the humanitarian imperative -- photos of a drowned boy's body washing up on a Turkish beach, of clashes in Hungary over shuttered train routes to Western Europe, of an abandoned truck filled with refugees' corpses in Austria.

The pace and scale of displacement, and the extreme measures refugees are taking to escape their own battered homeland, has quickly made Syria’s problem everyone’s problem.

More here


  1. since turkey saudi kuwait jordan uae are all muslim countries they should step and take some before we ever volunteer to. We'll take the christians they would slaughter the rest can go to them!

  2. Why we let in illegals everyday.

  3. This shows how evil the dems are and how weak Harris and the Republicans are. We should be rescuing the Christians and barring the Muslims. When will the rino senate and rino house wake up and realize who the enemy is?

  4. Anonymous said...
    This shows how evil the dems are and how weak Harris and the Republicans are. We should be rescuing the Christians and barring the Muslims. When will the rino senate and rino house wake up and realize who the enemy is?

    September 8, 2015 at 2:39 PM

    I agree. Andy Harris and the RINO's definitely scare me. I wish someone else would step up to the plate to run against Harris.

  5. And who foots the bill for transporting these Muslims across the ocean to our shores?

  6. First get the Kenyan refugee out of the White House!

  7. Our leaders are in on it. The destruction of the USA from within

  8. Dont rescue christians but rescue obama Muslims?

  9. We are the enemy, destroying or helping to destroy these countries to make them unlivable in the name of spreading "Democracy" which they will never accept. Now, we live with the result.

  10. We have enough free loaders! We don't need anymore.

  11. The picture of the dead toddler that washed on shore is completely staged and the story the father said is completely bogus. We are witnessing the mass infiltration of muslims into western countries. primarily young males--they will quickly dilute the native population and breed like rabbits.

  12. Refugees are like taxes. We neither need nor want any more!


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