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Saturday, September 19, 2015

U.S. Government To Offer Each New Refugee Thousands Of Dollars In Social Services And Cash

Refugees receive a plethora of services and assistance when they reach the shores of the America, according to a recently released study.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posted a PDF on their website breaking down available assistance for refugees resettled in the United States. The information is based on a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

President Barack Obama initially said he wanted to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees. The White House is now discussing raising that from 70,000 this year to 85,000 in 2016 and 100,000 in fiscal 2017, administration officials told Bloomberg News.

The numbers of refugees appear on track to grow and each refugee is offered a placement grant of $1,850 from the Department of State. This includes: pre-arrival, reception, initial housing food, clothing, referral services and social programs. The benefit eligibility are for those refugees who have been in the U.S. for up to three months.



  1. WE are doomed , aren't we the good people of America. They say kill the Americans , we say OK. WTF is wrong with our leaders?

  2. They are just giving the country away. It doesn't matter that there are millions of us that pay for it and oppose it.

  3. I guess we will have to vote out every politician that now holds office in order to have someone who will listen to us. Come on Republicans make a stand on this. That includes you Mr Harris.

  4. Freaking stupid Obama BS.

  5. We have good people here in the US that need help (not people who are beating the welfare system). A lot of elderly and wounded vets need help. Charity begins at home. Wake up do-gooders and stop giving money and assistance to people who hate us.

  6. I had to fight SEVERAL years to get approval for my benefits I PAID FOR and they just give it away? I'm all about helping people but can't they rob another fund? You know, one that they don't keep saying will run out of money in the near future!

  7. cut off foreign aide to all these Countries that force / send these refugees and spend that money on these projects. Then they will not have to touch SSI. Why should these Countries get foreign aide for these refugees we have to support. This proves Politions do not want to solve problems and protect America.

  8. This must be stopped!


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