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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

UC Irvine: US Flag Banned for 'Representing Hate-Speech'

Could there be anything more offensive than hanging the ISIS flag or a Nazi swastika at a major American university campus?

The answer, according to one student leader at the University of California, is yes: the flag of the United States of America.

In an interview with American documentary-maker and activist Ami Horowitz, UC Irvine student Matthew Guevara claimed he had submitted a motion to have the flag removed because it "represents hate-speech."

More incredibly, his motion was PASSED by the student government with a 60% majority.

Apparently unaware of the tongue-in-cheek nature of the interview, Guevara's answers to Horowitz's questions were at times simultaneously cringe-worthy and hilarious.

Horowitz has become something of a viral sensation with his videos exposing the hypocrisy of the far-left in particular.

Recently he revealed how Irish businesses who supported the anti-Israel BDS boycott movement, ostensibly motivated by a concern for "human rights," were more than happy to stock produce from such bastions of human rights as Iran, North Korea and Sudan.

More here (with video)


  1. Do your homework, kids!

  2. How did I know this was in Ca.

  3. Screw dem california.

  4. Fruitcakes for sure.

  5. I know as an "American Indian", not a "Native American", I find the American Flag very Offensive!
    Under that flag my people were poisoned, contaminated with diseases, hunted down and killed, starved to death, murdered, raped, slaughtered, and our land stolen. Imprisoned on uninhabitable land no one else wanted. Cheated and lied too by the government.
    I hate it, and I puke when I see it.

  6. Ask them to give up their citizenship if they feel this way. Let someone in that respects this country.


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