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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The Most Important Question About Abortion


  1. Actually here is a real important question to all the religious folks out there.....can you.stop abortion????? ....I have the answer...NO!!..... keep it legal and safe under the care of doctors.....you all may not like the alternative.....

  2. 6:37 is a Obama-Knight Voter....You will burn for eternity for destroying these lives...

  3. Infanticide. Not good. period. BTW, Roe vs. Wade decision was based on a lie.

  4. 637- how does it feel to be an accessory to child murder?

  5. 9:13, 10:24, and 12:27 You are all thoughtless kooks.

  6. First of all know nothings I'm not an accessory to murder or anything else!!!!I am a registered republican....second I was just making a statement....abortion will never go away legal or likewise.....I just feel by it being legal it's better....I'm not for or against it....it's a choice for a woman to make for herself. So to the previous 3 village idiots.....it's called freedom of choice kiss off.....

  7. 2:07
    When does the baby get that choice?


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