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Wednesday, September 09, 2015

The Iran Nuclear Deal


  1. Points for the denying evil reference, I would invite the conspiracy false flag peeps to listen to that one, also points for acknowledging history, democrats and many rimos are completely ignorant of and have demonstrated time and again, an inability to learn from history. Where this guy goes wrong though is where he repeats the globasist meme of hating us for our freedoms, that one pissed me off, he uses that to dose of subterfuge to gloss over the sanction/petrol dollar issues. Mostly.good.video, and he is dead nuts on as far Iran's danger to Israel and us, -but at the end, this douch canoe proves he is an emissary of failed expansionist fed reserve policy.

  2. You stupid dumbocrats have elected the enemy as president

  3. Treason is being committed in Washington at the highest offices, most people just go on dumb and happy,these monsters count on it.


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