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Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Debate.......

What are your thoughts/opinions on the second debate?  Did you change your mind on any candidate?  Who won who lost.....


  1. The candidates and CNN wanted to burry trump but he stood his ground and gave some ok answers. I like trump but the problem is he is so vague. We need specifics on all his policy's. I think Ben Carson is just way to smart for politics hehe. Carly gave some great answers as did Marco Rubio. I like Lindsey ghram but he is a tad extreme, but he is 100% right on isis and our defense/military.

    None to less I think Donald is still #1

  2. I thought they all did very well. My mind wasn't changed. I'm still voting for either Donald Trump or Dr Ben Carson. That I will determine closer to the election.

  3. One moment that stands out for me, just proved how repulsive obama and the democrat party really are. That was when Carly Fiorina brought up the Planned Parenthood video, where the aborted baby had a heartbeat and was kicking and the PP employees were saying 'it' had to be kept alive, until they could harvest 'it's' brain.
    How anyone can still support the democrat party and obama is beyond a rational person's comprehension. How low this country has sunk that some still have no problem funding this human slaughter house. The democrat party are no better than Hitler and his party.

  4. Lost KASIK, he looked like he was on crack.

  5. Didn't he though 8:09. He seemed jumpy and on edge and couldn't stand still.

  6. For most of the candidates same old I did this and I did that and same old promises new tax code, gang of eight, government needs to do this and that, I wish either Carson or Trump or Fiorina would just come out and scream to the high heavens that government is out of control, it cannot solve anything and needs to be cut in half. that would get my vote

  7. I like Trump. Last night he stood his ground. I don't think he won or lost. He stayed the same. The time is now that he needs to start being more specific about HOW he will accomplish the tasks he is proposing that everyone love so much. I believe the things he is proposing are doable and have thought about the steps that could be taken to accomplish them. Not that difficult at all. But if he doesn't start laying out even a very brief overview of how they can be accomplished he will start losing supporters.

  8. Carly did an outstanding performance......

  9. Trump is all flash and no substance. We have one narcissist in the white house. We don't need another one. Anybody but Trump.

  10. America won. Raises hope that we have intelligent, articulate and patriots who care about America compared to the Democrats who so far have pushed a liar crook and an avowed socialist to continue an agenda of the destruction of America.

  11. Fiorina came on strong, wish she wasn't so stern looking, but very very smart and capable. I wonder how she would get along with the "old boys network" in Congress.
    Still like Trump, but wish he'd come out with more substance. Rubio is impressive, but seems nervous.

  12. Trump is a narassist with no supstance. Carly and Rubio stood out.

  13. I agree with 8:37 Trump never actually mentions his plans, he just insinuates and glazes over strategy and attacks anyone who actually states what they will definitely do in their first days, and promises they will stand by. I still also do not trust him with our allies and enemies, he should have no chance on the button of war or not. He really scares me with how he handles someone who thinks differently his whole head is red as a beet-- big mistake people if you vote for him!

  14. Carly did a good job, but I honestly do not think that a woman should be president.I feel that there are other countries that would never respect a woman as president, just because they don't respect women in general. As for the men in last night's debate, I will keep watching and listening to them before I make my decision.

  15. Fiorina was terrific. Of the governors Bush was best. Cruz was strong. Carson is too much a gentleman for this game, tho he is brilliant and humble. Ryan Kasich Walker and Huckabee won't last much longer. And neither will Trump. He is a buffoon, mean spirited and not presidential. His star is fading fast.

  16. EVERYBODY may as well succumb to the fact that we live by the golden rule. Them with the gold RULES. Last night I saw a LOT of USELESS VERBAGE. If any of the talkers thought they out-witted Trump, the product of that mind-set is their OWN SELF SATISFACTION. Trump will out spend them and my best guess is he's got the top people in the right places to put the money where it will do the most good. If this IS NOT the case, then why is the news media steadily harping about the amount of MONEY in Jeb Bushes war chest? That's the breaks people, ANYONE who is anyone in politics has the LEAD if they have the most MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Aswell...Realist

  17. The only poll released so far today is the Michigan Republican primary and it has Carson up 2% over Donald Trump. Carson 24%/Trump 22%.
    Jeb Bush next at 8%.

  18. 11:27 Who didn't respect Margaret Thatcher when she ran Britain?

  19. There were too many times that someone was asked "what do you think" of this situation? And they would say "well that's for the voters to decide". We're asking what you think about it, so just give us a straight answer to the question.

  20. Chris Christie is lazy as he was leaning against the podium all night, Rand Paul is a dope, We don't need another Bush, Trump is a chump, A woman should not be president, Scott Walker is a dweeb, Huckabee is too nice, Dr Carson is the best of the lot. Smart, humble, calm, and is willing to listen to others opinions before making decisions that effect a lot of people.

  21. First let me state that I am a white male and am fed up with this current administration. For that matter, I am fed up with career politicians. Recent history has proven that a career politician does not have what it takes to turn this country around. With that said, what do we as a country have to loose if we give a non-politician like Trump, Carson, or Fiorina a shot. I am so sick of all the promises and then nothing. I'm not saying electing anyone won't result in more of the same, but why not give one of these three a chance. Trump, although I wish he would become significantly more humble, is a man that is not allowing himself to be bought by the special interest groups, large corporations, big oil, etc. He wont owe anyone when and if he takes office. His ego is such that he will surround himself with the best of the best, from security, to banking, to foreign policy, he will be well advised. Carson, although he appears a little too timid to me, is a brilliant individual. Not one that immediately says what he thinks you want to hear but rather takes the time to think things through before providing a response. And then there is Fiorina. This lady is one tough individual. Why would anyone suggest that a woman should not be president of this country. Women have and continue to prove that they can be as successful as men in whatever they attempt. Maybe not as many success stories as there are with their male counterparts, but it only takes one and I believe this woman is more than capable. When you compare her to Hilary, there is no comparison. Fiorina comes across as compassionate and she truly cares about this country. Hillary does not project the same patriotic vibe. Not even close. She is as incompetent as the current POTUS. This country is nearing a point of no return and it is going to take someone with unique ideas and a clearer vision than what our typical presidential candidates offer. We simply cannot afford more of the same.

  22. Marco Rubio was point on.

  23. I want a Rubio-Fiorina ticket. Last night showed why that is the best hope for a Republican victory next year.

    Trump is (to quote Jindal) an entertainer without any class and Bush is over the hill and far away from reality, ready for retirement life at the family estate at Kennebunkport. The rest are too weak or to right wingnutty to win in a general election, with the possible exception of Christie.

  24. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 17, 2015 at 6:07 PM

    Trump, Carson, Cruz, Fiorina - any of these Final Four would be a Total Upgrade to what's in the White House now, no question about it. Any of these Final Four beat the alternatives of the top Socialist Democrats. I wish we could see Carly Fiorina debate Hillary, but Clinton will not agree to it. Why? Is she scared of the Truth?

  25. 3:14 --

    Better reconsider Bush -- he stumped the chump (Trump) last night.

    The Donald has peaked and is headed down the slippery slope.

  26. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 17, 2015 at 8:07 PM

    How come 5 of top 10 Bush's Big Money Donors are the same Donors that donate Campaign Money to Hillary Clinton? Goldman Sachs really? Talking about special interest. Playing both sides of the fence. Forget Bush. No More Clintons. Fire 'em all, Donald!

  27. Trump looked like a fool for not apologizing to Bush's wife.

  28. Trump is a clown and an entertainer. Arrogant and self promoting, only has the interest of Donald Trump in mind. I enjoy his candor and let it fly attitude, but he is not the type of leader that this country needs. I do not take him serious and would not waste a vote for his nonsense.


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