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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Term Limits


  1. Good luck having THEM vote to change term limits,i agree if its good for the president its good for ALL.

  2. 1 six year term for all politicians everywhere with no chance to be reelected.
    thanks sjd

  3. Absolutely right.
    Entire case made in 1 picture.

  4. There should also be limits on lobbying activities after leaving service.

  5. What you people fail to understand is that term limits are already in place at the polls. If the majority of the citizens didn't want these people they would have been voted out

  6. Don't forget Babs Mikulski who just voted for the Iran deal. The office of the President has an 8 year term limit. The congress should be the same.

  7. 10:00 you dont understand the problem. why would anyone vote out someone who has more years than others and is able to send more money back to their state. Give them all 12 years. make all of them abide by any rules/laws they enact. That will slow their asses down a little

  8. That is just way too long for them to be in office.

  9. Please add a pic of Salisbury's mayor and council to this post.

  10. Just think of how many jobs they kept people from getting. I like the 4 year limit with 1 re-election for each post. That means that they could be a senator for 8 years, in for congress 8 years, appointed a judge for 8 years, then vice president for 8 years, and finally president for 8 years. This way, nothing really changes, yet, it does. If Biden gets elected president and re-elected again, he would have been a president for 16 years (vice or not). Our system is way screwed up.

  11. Bob Aswell.. NON Liberal voterSeptember 3, 2015 at 11:37 AM

    Term limits are HERE. Its the damn fools of US that CONTINUE to vote for these political rubes. If you DON'T vote for the SAME ONES time after time then they fade away. MathiASS is a prime example yet he's allowed to return to Annapolis to collect soft money from special interest such as Delmarva Power.
    Wake up people and realize a candidate that could POSSIBLY HELP the State may be out there and NEVER get a chance because of YOU.

  12. Should have a minimum I.Q. requirement. None of them would have ever been elected to begin with.


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