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Friday, September 18, 2015

Summer Survey Provides Some Surprises About Visitors

OCEAN CITY — Ocean City tourism officials this week reviewed the results of a summer-long survey of a large segment of the visitors to the resort, providing a snapshot of pertinent information such as how often they come, how long they stay, where do they stay and what do they do when they get here.

Ocean City Tourism Director Donna Abbott presented the findings of the survey to the town’s Tourism Commission on Monday. She said the survey was conducted from Memorial Day to Labor Day and roughly 2,000 visitors participated. The surveys were conducted at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center, which produced better and more tangible results than prior attempts.

“I think it has a lot of good information,” said Abbott. “Last year, we took the survey at different places and we found people didn’t want to take the time to complete it if they were on the beach or Boardwalk. In the Convention Center setting, more were willing to take the time because they were already likely there to collect information about the resort.”



  1. "Abbott said around 2,000 visitors completed the survey. One of the first pieces of information collected from the visitors was their home zip code, which can be used to create interactive maps of where Ocean City visitors come from and where to direct marketing resources. Abbott said interestingly the survey showed about 10,000 different zip codes from all over Maryland and the eastern half of the country."

    If only 2,000 visitors completed the survey then how can the survey show 10,000 different zip codes? Someone from OC is feeding us a line of BS!!! Never believe anything anyone from OC government or public relations tells you.

  2. I'll bet few of the zipcodes were from Delmarva!
    I'm vacationing in Florida right now because I can't stand Ocean City!!! It's still summer here, hotels are cheaper and more luxurious, and this is more choice in places to see and things to do!!!!
    People are also friendlier.


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