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Monday, September 14, 2015


The innovation going on right now in clean energy is pretty exciting. It seems like every day someone sends me something about a new technology or groundbreaking discovery in the area of solar power.

One of the things that has always intrigued me and seemed like an obvious solution was solar shingles. Since solar usually covers the roof anyway, it seems natural that we would start making them out of material that would actually BECOME the roof.

Fortunately that dream is quickly becoming a reality. Dow Powerhouse solar shingles are now available in about 5 states and will be rolling out to more soon. These shingles could change everything in solar, here’s why:

They offer an easy way to replace the roof material on your home and generate free power. Since most solar installers would suggest your roof be close to new anyway before you install a solar power system, this offers a dual solution.

They come with a variety of warranties. The roof coverage and weather warranty spans 20 years and the solar output warranty goes as far as 20 years as well.

Installation, which must be done by a professional, is not as invasive as normal solar panels. Regular solar panels require roof bolts and penetration of the waterproof layers. Solar shingles simply sit on top of the roof membrane and interlock with themselves to keep water out. They also have a sticky surface on the backside to prevent wind damage.



  1. are these available free if you agree to have them installed with a contract and if so by whom?

  2. Stole my idea.. someones gonna get rich? As electronic systems pwr consumptions are reduced. solar can be a cost savings winner. If they are as cheap as regular roof shingles

  3. 347, might be, but buying them yourself using Gov handouts will turn more profit. After all, the "free" contractor is using the same program available to you. He's just hedging a profit margin on the energy.

    If you can possibly afford the up charge on the roofing installation now, maybe you can afford the inverter and hookup later on down the line. There are many programs that are worth looking at, I like this concept, as my roof is 27 years old.

  4. Very deceptive at best the span or life of the solar panel (shingle) will be producing very little at the end of twenty years. The cost of the shingle itself is much higher then the average shingle as well. With that said installing them wouldn't make a whole lot of since considering the average roof should last more than 30 years so you'd have to replace your roof in 20 years? Get the hard facts before jumping into the fire, the best years of solar power panels are the first 5 after that their output is a down hill curve producing less and less until replaced with new panels. Also read the fine print on the contract you have to sign for the assistance programs helping to pay for them because you could be signing your rights to what you own away and locking yourself into situations you don't want or need.


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