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Sunday, September 06, 2015

State ethics board examining Martin O'Malley's purchase of mansion furniture

An assistant attorney general asked Friday for a state ethics commission ruling on whether former Gov. Martin O'Malley's purchase of furniture from the governor's mansion violated rules regarding state-owned property.

When O'Malley and his family moved out of the mansion in January, they left with most of its taxpayer-purchased furnishings — 54 items that he bought at steep discounts because every piece had been declared "junk" by his administration.

O'Malley and his wife, Baltimore District Judge Catherine Curran O'Malley, paid $9,638 for armoires, beds, chairs, desks, lamps, mirrors, ottomans, tables and other items that originally cost taxpayers $62,000, according to documents obtained by The Baltimore Sun



  1. So what WILL THE OUT COME BE? NOTHING. Crooked policors get away again.

  2. Correct , nothing will be done , he raped the state for years and thinks it's OK to keep stealing.

  3. Get Hogan involved in this , something will be done.

  4. Maybe he and Hillary can get a suite together.....something with a iron view!

  5. Hillary sure is ensuring that this guy goes down in flames.

  6. This is what the O'Malley's do.

    Martin O'Malley lays out his goals of his Presidency - yeap - give me, give me, give me, all the while taking the general public to the cleaners. He did the exact same thing at the State Mansion when he his wife purchased $62,000 worth of furniture at taxpayers expense.

    Yeap - I like his calculus - I hope the general public likes it to when they see his poll numbers dribble below the 0 line.

  7. Just what anyone should expect from a sleazy democrat. I believe Bill and Hillary Clinton did the same thing when he moved out of the White house.


  8. Same as Clintons left White House; took quite a bit of public property.

  9. Wait until Obama leaves, there won't be anything left!

  10. "Anonymous said...

    Just what anyone should expect from a sleazy democrat"

    Yep a sleazy democrat married to an all obeying slave who doesn't have the decency herself to say 'this is wrong' because he won't allow her to. The absolute worst is that these 2 sponges have multiplied like cockroaches thereby producing another generation of sponges who no doubt will to steal from the tax payers. It is all they know how to do.

  11. 9:16 AM, you are right and what was done about that? Nothing. Just like nothing will be done about the O'Malley's stealing.

  12. They are all crooks. The taxpayer always gets screwed in the end. The only people they care about are themselves.

  13. Korean cash kept him afloat in Baltimore days.. he is a crooked lying decieving, phony smile libtarded commie

  14. OMalley doesn't have any ethics to examine!

  15. With all the talented people in this country it is really sad that we end up with low life in office in far too many instances. Gov. Hogan is a breath of fresh air compared to the losers we seem to get far too often.

  16. Follow the money. Who was thee person who determined that the furniture was junk? And, why pay 9300$ for junk furniture.

  17. This should be indictable (but not in Maryland, of course)!

  18. From the description, the furniture was in such bad condition I am shocked the O'Malleys wanted it. IT sounds like they were doing us a favor in taking this junk off our hands.

  19. " Anonymous said...

    From the description, the furniture was in such bad condition"

    Would not surprise me in the least. They are such low class white trash and we all know that those of such a lower class level never take care of anything. It is one of those you can dress them up type of things but they still will never have class or decorum.

  20. otaxie, once a con man, ALWAYS a con man! This creep has no moral compass, no code of ethical conduct, and his wife is just as bad.

    It just wasn't enough for them to steal Marylander's blind with the 40 plus fees and taxes, they have to STEAL material goods that belong to the people of Maryland.

    These people are pond scum that prostitute themselves as decent people.

  21. For procurement purposes, they had the furniture declared junk, at the lowest value and had his croonie in procurement do all the paperwork. Furniture marked and declared junk, taken off the rolls of property, and bingo, they move it out of the mansion and into their cave. And guess what folks? We also paid to move it for them!

    Once the furniture was junked, it was taken off all inventory records and it ceased to exist.

  22. Used furniture that they used and was surplussed. Do you think the Hogans would want to use it? I wouldn't. The Clintons, however, just took WH furniture without paying for it. They finally returned some but only after someone squealed and it became national news.

  23. Goin to Ashley's tomorrow, declare it all junk then refurbish my house. ...administration declared it all junk".

  24. 9:45 when they leave the place will need to be sprayed and fumigated to get the stink out!

  25. Yes, the worst is what they are teaching their children. It's okay to steal by gaming the system. They are both piss poor excuses for human beings and especially piss poor excuses for parents.

  26. He paid $9,638 for "junk furniture?" I think he got ripped off.

  27. Poor thing. He's been on the government dole so long, he didn't have any furniture to call his own, after living in government housing for the last 16 years.


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