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Saturday, September 05, 2015



Not being reported is a growing phenomenon being called "Shake my head syndrome " or SMHS for short. Politically correct liberals are the sole reason for this new syndrome. It affects normal Americans when they see such sites as this picture in your local Hallmark store. Happy Anniversary!


  1. Get over it. You have bigger issues to worry about in Salisbury.

  2. Screw hallmark and all bussiness who cave to this madness.. you Know this just shows you how many will actually get in line, will be jumping Over each other to get the mark On the forehead

  3. Aww, the two mommies scare you?

  4. Hey it's called capitalism. Business sees a chance to increase sales and takes it. It is the American way. Love it or leave it.
    Those card racks contain lots of categories that don't appeal to me, but I don't get offended because they have cards directed to minorities, or religious events that don't pertain to me. Get over yourself.

  5. If you build it they will come - or if the public did not purchase these cards, Hallmark would not have them on the shelves. Lifestyles of others is no concern to me, as I am not the one folks have to answer to on judgement day.

  6. I have nothing against what the gays want other than redefining a word whose meaning has been around for thousands of years. Fine if you want to join as a couple but why can't they call it a civil union? Marriage has been a secular term used for centuries to me mean a union between a man and woman. Are now going to rewrite the entire English language for the pleasure of a minority group any time they "feel" offended or wronged by a word or phrase? This seems more like a combination of communism, socialism and a despotic controlled society and not that of a free society. Too many people don't know nor care for the history of why Europeans came here in the first place, to practice Christianity as they saw fit. It was not till we formed this nation we welcomed all forms of religious worship without persecution! Today it seems as though that Christianity is under attack!

  7. I am a normal American this does not bother me in the least.

  8. The Mayor has been buying these for years.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Get over it. You have bigger issues to worry about in Salisbury.

    September 5, 2015 at 6:27 AM

    It's hard to believe how many FREAKS actually support same sex relationships. I guess they think it is ok for a man top put his penis up another man's rectum for sexual pleasure.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Screw hallmark and all bussiness who cave to this madness.. you Know this just shows you how many will actually get in line, will be jumping Over each other to get the mark On the forehead

    September 5, 2015 at 7:48 AM

    I hope all liberals get a mark on their foreheads. An "L" would be perfect. It would ad it easier to know who your enemy is when the war breaks. It will make for a great target when shooting.

  11. Anonymous said...
    If you build it they will come - or if the public did not purchase these cards, Hallmark would not have them on the shelves. Lifestyles of others is no concern to me, as I am not the one folks have to answer to on judgement day.

    September 5, 2015 at 9:38 AM

    It better be a concern of yours you stupid idiot. I'm kind of looking forward to when the muslims start throwing people like you off of roof tops.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am a normal American this does not bother me in the least.

    September 5, 2015 at 10:24 AM

    Um.. then you are not a normal American!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    The Mayor has been buying these for years.

    September 5, 2015 at 10:30 AM

    Jake Day??

  14. If your biggest concern in life is that Hallmark has same sex cards, then you're pretty lucky. Worry about your own worthless life and not what others are doing in their own homes. YOU are what's wrong in America!

  15. Homosexual activists have been breaking laws in our country for almost 50 years to advance their agenda, and now all of a sudden, they demand everyone else obey the law, a law not passed by Congress, but a ruling delivered by the Supreme Court which is prohibited from making law. So, in the name of the law, activists undermine and destroy the rule of law, then make new law illegally, demanding the rest of us obey. Tyranny is the only word for it.

  16. Jorge Bergoglio it looks like you have the worthles

  17. 12:45am Well I'm sure Jesus loves you and your hatred.


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