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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SHOCKING! New Army patch looks just like the Muslim Brotherhood patch

ARMY TIMES  (h/t Rae R) All told, there are about 3,335 troops in the region training Iraqi troops, providing security and conducing bombing missions on Islamic State targets in Iraq and neighboring Syria. (Which have done virtually nothing to stop the spread of the Islamic State)

The Army’s patch features crossed scimitars, a palm wreath and stars. The scimitars, short swords with curved blades, are meant to symbolize the twin goals of the U.S.-led (Operation Inherent Resolve) coalition: to defeat the Islamic State, also referred to as ISIS, and to restore stability in the region, according to Army documents.



  1. What is so shocking about this? How could anyone expect anything less from our muslim commander in chief?

  2. Looks more like an Obama patch than an Army patch.

  3. Just like years ago when they came out with EVERYBODY wears a beret. Or the camouflage cover crushed in front. Looks like crap and you look at who's in charge and you know why.

  4. I am with you 11:40, why is anyone shocked or how can anyone be shocked...

    oh that's right, because they live in a hole and don't give two shits about people or their self...

  5. We are SO screwed....

  6. They don't actually look that similar. Different color, swords, and design.

    1. You can't be serious? ?? They look the same except for the blades. Must be an Obama libitard see nothing but your lips on Obama ASS.

  7. How about this- No Red, No White, No Blue. Swords? Come on! We are Americans!!! There should be machine guns. Or missiles the whoe design is un-American. Where are the freaking EAGLES??!!!

  8. There is some white gleaming on the blades and when you over lap the sword guards they make a swastika. Also there are some green ferns similar to like what the dove brought back to Noah's ark so its interesting and not that bad.

    Lots of American military badges and patches do not have red, blue or white. If they do they have only one or two of the colors. Often they look nothing like what one might think.

    But why am I wasting my time telling you all that.

    1. Look at ALL the military (patches ) NONE of them look anywhere close to this one. PERIOD!!! If you served you would realize that.


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