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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Sheriff Mike Lewis Will Be Live With Sean Hannity Tonight at 10PM

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Mike Lewis will be on live with Sean Hannity on The Sean Hannity Show Fox News tonight at 10PM est, to discuss the increased violence against police.


  1. I've been hoping Sheriff Lewis would be back on soon. Love him and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke. Neither of them sugar coat anything and while some people don't like what they have to say they speak the truth.

  2. While I agree with the "Obey the law" part, there have been so many stories lately of police misconduct, incompetence, and cover-up that all law enforcement should have independent observers with them at all times - to protect them and us.

    Sheriff Lewis - thanks for what you have done for the county and your second amendment support!

  3. Is he bringing your foot pump for his ego head joe.

  4. His id doing TV shows as herion takes over Salisbury

  5. That's what we pay for! Good job! Smdh.

  6. Anonymous said...
    That's what we pay for! Good job! Smdh.

    September 1, 2015 at 8:36 PM

    If you think he owes you something you are full of crap. He puts his time in.

    1. His time isn't worth the money the people pay him annually! Just because I work for 20 years dosent mean I get to be the boss and a slacker collecting money while I try to secure my new career at the owners/peoples expense.

    2. He is a typical bully with a badge... Only will act tuff when he has backup... Let's get his butt in the ring at the next guns and hoses event... I would love to see that

  7. He's good at pointing out what the problem is in OTHER areas but can't fix the problems in his own jurisdiction.

  8. Look at meeeeeeeeee, I'm on camera! Can I get a booster seat?

  9. All talk and no action.

  10. I don't have a problem with law enforcement, I just have a problem with a lot of the BS laws they are trying to enforce. As far as Sheriff Lewis tell me you have never broken any laws before you make stupid statements.

  11. Joe I see the mouth breathers are out in full force tonight.

    People the bottom line is police are not perfect. They have to try and balance all the political and perceived ideologies of a biased misled public. I have been on the job for 27 years now and I recall about ten years ago Blacks started spitting on the ground every time I came in close proximity with them. It continues to this day. I never got it. I have never been accused of racism or brutality. I like the majority of police serve and respect our public.

    Folks 99% of the police in this country go out and do the job daily and you never hear a word about them. What would happen if police lumped all Blacks or Whites into one basket and showed the disrespect that has been shown by the Black lives matter movement.

    I Wicomico County there have been numerous police involved shootings in the last year and a half. No one stole anything. No one burned stores and homes and even churches by God. When society starts to condone and support this behavior we are on the fast track to a collapse in society. The fact is we have good people of all colors on the Shore. That is why I stay here and will stay long after I retire. Crime is crime and there will be a loss of life when you bring guns into the equation. Plain and simple.

    There are many impoverished Blacks in America. The system has systematically moved poor Americans into clusters if you will. Crime follows poverty it always has and it always will regardless of the color of the people in these areas. Therefore greater contact with the police hired to fight this crime. It is basic common sense. It is no mystery or racist agenda.

    Americans need to teach our children to respect all and fear none. That in itself would be a start. That applies to all police as well. As this latest movement moves forward it will only get worse in America. When a sitting President can not take to the media and say I was wrong about Ferguson. I was wrong about the hands up don't shoot rhetoric. It spreads hate and distrust. I am not saying by Blacks I am talking about White America and the police in general. Why should I trust a man that labeled me and the rest of my profession racist murders.

    There is an agenda and I think it is far more sinister then what is going on in our streets every day. When members of Congress walk in on the floor and raise their hands in protest and never apologize to their constitutes after scientific proof cleared the Ferguson shooting something is wrong.

    Ohbama and his administration want a diversion and separatism. It keeps the poor from being angry over the fact they are worse off then when Ohbama took office. The man lied and played the race card as well as the poverty card. Lois Farakhan is a mentor to our President. Enough is enough. If anyone thinks this civil war that is brewing and that is exactly what is will fix things it will not. We as a people have to look no further then our past. It will not fix things it will divide this country and many souls will be lost. How would we as a nation recover from this. The answer is simple we would not.

    So again I say respect all and fear none. All Americans bleed red.

    1. Well said.

      But I would add that not only does crime follow poverty...but poverty follows crime as well. I'm sure you know there's a certain lifestyle of poor personal choices and failure to learn from these mistakes, that drives the cycle of poverty and edges into illegal activities...and over the threshold of actual criminality. The more intelligent, the more curious and receptive to learning and education, and the more likely to make the changes necessary to live more than just a marginal existence.

  12. If you think he owes you something you are full of crap. He puts his time in.

    September 1, 2015 at 8:46 PM

    He owes us everything jackass. He is an elected SERVANT. friggin hero worshippers. and lewis, get your comrades to obey the laws and most of this will go away

  13. "Mike Lewis heroically dives in front of camera, saving Sean Hannity"

  14. Most dangerous place in Wicomico county is between Mike Lewis and a TV camera.

  15. Mike tells it like it is and I appreciate all he does! There must be a few who are very jealous of him and what he stands for and feel sorry for them.We need more people like Sheriff Lewis who are not afraid to speak their mind and stop the "politically" correctness! I have know Sheriff Lewis for many many years and I respect him totally. Wish he would have had more time to speak last evening as listening to that liberal Juan speak gave me a big time headache.....what a douche bag! Thank you Sheriff for speaking out!

  16. And the year isn't over yet. Hard to have any sympathy for kops when they spit at people, throw flash bangs in a babies crib, shoot people in the back while they are lying on a subway platform HANDCUFFED and any number of the HUNDREDS of other cases, just off the top of my head. Lewis says police are under siege and scared to pull the trigger? It seems to me police are too quick to pull a trigger. You live by the gun, you die by the gun. Stop whining when you get a dose of your own medicine.

    The number of police-related fatalities in the U.S reached 664 in 2015, making the country’s police force one of the deadliest in the developed world, according to data from The Guardian, a British newspaper.

    In the first five months of this year, 19 unarmed black men were shot and killed by the police in the U.S. The Guardian compares that with Germany, where 15 citizens of any race were fatally shot in the two years from 2010 to 2011.

    California led the nation in the number of victims. So far this year, 107 people died in police-involved incidents in the state, significantly more than Texas, which came in second with 67 deaths. Florida was the third most deadly with 46. Per capita, Oklahoma tops the list with 29 deaths.

    By race, whites accounted for roughly half at 321 deaths and blacks followed with 174. However, blacks were twice more likely than whites to be unarmed when killed by the police, The Guardian said.

    Of the 102 unarmed Americans killed between January and May, 15% were white, compared with 31.9% for blacks and 25.4% for Hispanics and Latinos.

    A vast majority of the deaths involved guns. Twenty-three involved a vehicle, and 27 people died in police custody.


  17. Thank you Sheriff for speaking out!

    September 2, 2015 at 7:32 AM

    Shame what he said wasn't true.

  18. Mike Lewis
    How about taking some responsibility for crime in Wicomico county ?.

    1. I agree 100%lewis needs to spend more time on the streets than on Tv.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Typical obama thug.

    September 2, 2015 at 9:03 AM

    typical unintelligent comment

  20. Good job Mike keep up the good work a lot people have nothing good to say about any law officers.

  21. I haven't been a fan of Sheriff Lewis but last night he was great and I stand with the police. It's a matter of time before thugs start shooting our local police. Sheriff you have an army of concerned armed citizens at your disposal when you need them.

  22. We need more police and local militias.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We need more police and local militias.

    September 2, 2015 at 11:34 AM

    No we don't. We have too much police as it is. If they would stop hiding behind bushes trying to catch someone going 5 miles over the limit and actually patrol and be proactive instead of reactive things would get better. They only care about their own skin and a dollar bill.

  24. obey the law, of course. Now what is his answer for the people who have been gunned down for doing nothing? He does not have one. He conveniently forgets those cases. This guy is a complete embarrassment to our community. Remember this is the guy who wanted to start a revolution if they took his guns, presumably he would be willing to kill anyone, if they got in his way. How is that obeying the law? Incredible. What a total jackass.GET OUT STAY OUT.

  25. Blacks have created their own poverty. Black criminal losers mounting everything with her legs spread wide open with no means to pay for that child. They have no self control. When they get in mobs they lose it. Rioting and looting and burning.


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