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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rizzo, lost dog in Ocean Pines, reunited with owners in Pa.

After being lost in and around the woods of Ocean Pines for nearly a month, Rizzo the German shepherd is now happy, healthy and reunited with her owners in Pennsylvania.

Victoria Liptak said she and her family came to the area for a quiet beach vacation when the pup got loose in early August, triggering a communitywide search and dozens of wildly varying stories about what actually happened.

As it turns out neither Bigfoot – nor mischievous space aliens – had anything to do with the mysterious disappearance of the dog. Instead, Rizzo got loose after an accident at the beach involving Liptak and her other dog, Zuko.

“Zuko ran into me, and I couldn’t move my leg,” she said. “We went back to the beach house to drop off our dogs and the rest of our family, and my fiancĂ© took me to the hospital. And while we were at the hospital, my sister took Rizzo outside to go to the bathroom, and she backed out of her collar and took off.”


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