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Monday, September 28, 2015

Resort braces for impact as H2Oi audience returns

Although the actual event isn’t until next weekend, cars for this year’s H2O International show will likely be rolling — or scraping, given some of the ride heights — into the resort starting early next week.

Colloquially known as H2Oi, this year’s show will be the 18th, taking place Oct. 3-4. It will also, quite possibly, be the make-it-or-break-it year in terms of Ocean City’s ability to continue dealing with its fallout.

“I’m excited to hopefully clear up some of the problems we’ve had recently,” said show organizer Jay Shoup. “Quite frankly, there are a ton of old-schoolers, some of the older guys and even the young guys, who are here for their love of VWs and don’t want to deal with the nonsense anymore.”

For the past three years in particular, H2Oi — a rally for Volkswagen and Audi enthusiasts — has become notorious for the level of disruption it causes in the resort. But very little of this is directly related to Shoup’s car show, which takes place at the Fort Whaley campground in Whaleyville, many miles from Ocean City.



  1. This is an amazing show of how social media works,in the past no advertising was made but tens of thousands of people come.

  2. can someone explain how the pictured car actually runs? it appears that the tires are rubbing against the body at an angle.

  3. If you believe OC politicans...there won't be any problems this year. OC has instructed business owners to post signs saying laws will be enforced and increased the fees for trailers to be parked on streets. And OC has discovered the laws were already on the books. That seems to be OC's answer to solving the problems with "rice burners". We will see very soon. I predict it will be the same as other rowdy events.

  4. Is this what "guys" are driving?? Wow. I'll take the ones in the big ol trucks over this silliness any day. Whst a bunch of gumdrops


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