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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Rep. Ed Royce Slams White House for Syrian Refugee Crisis

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce blamed the Obama administration for the refugee crisis in the Middle East, saying that U.S.-led airstrikes a year ago would have stopped the Islamic State from seizing land that has caused Syrians to flee their homes.

"The question is what could we do at the source to turn back ISIS?" the California Republican asked Brianna Keilar on CNN. "They have expanded from their original encampment."

Over the last year, Royce said, both Republicans and Democrats have "asked the president of the United States to allow the use of air power to suppress ISIS before it began to overtake cities.

"We went a full year with the administration rejecting calls from some in the Pentagon, from us, and certainly from the ambassador in Baghdad, for airstrikes before they took these 14 major cities," he said. "Even today, three-quarters of the planes that take off return without being able to drop their ordnances, because they cannot get approval from Washington, from the lawyers in Washington, to strike these ISIS targets.

More here


  1. Obama has been sending arms to the ISIS and that's what happened in Benghazi. Hillary will only cover for him until her ass is on the line. If she is looking for jail time she will rat his butt off. In the mean time, millions of people are suffering because Obama is a lying Muslim coward.

  2. BS. Air strikes alone would not have stopped anything. The only thing I do know and has been known since the blitzkrieg of WW2 is that air strikes only steel the resolve of the people being attacked. So this false outrage by this clown in charge of this committee is BS.

  3. Be prepared! they are setting Christianity and USA up for a big fall. Is it not obvious we have a traitor among us? Its the old trojan horse method, using refugees as a ruse. We will be facing a internal war this time. Thanks but Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama.


  4. To use the phrase he coined, this is 'a man caused disaster.' The man who coined the euphemistic phrase is the golfer-in-chief, the same one who called ISIS 'the JV' before their rapid spread and growth.

    So it's his personally caused 'man caused disaster' due to inaction and half-hearted attempts to gradually reactively ratchet our efforts up after the fact that is putting civilians in harm's way to a greater extent than they already were. By zapping ISIS there earlier or now, all these folks could stay home, and every country letting them in en masse would be better off short and long term.

  5. Lol. Another clown politician seeking to score points. Want to point a finger? Just look at all the young able-bodied men among the crowds of refugees. If they don't want to stand up and fight for their homes, why should we? Yeah GOP,lets send 100k troops in for a decade and watch them get bled slowly by isis road side bombs and and spit on by those same syrians


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