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Monday, September 07, 2015

Price to jump for most popular health plan on Maryland insurance exchange

The price of the most popular health plans sold through Maryland’s insurance exchange will jump, on average, by about one quarter next year, fueling questions about whether coverage under the Affordable Care Act will remain affordable in the state and elsewhere.

The 26 percent average increase in monthly premiums are for CareFirst plans, which cover three-fourths of the state residents who have bought insurance under the federal health-care law. The price jump, scheduled for January, is among rate changes that the state’s insurance regulators have approved for plans sold to individual families and small businesses.

The increases were announced Friday by state Insurance Commissioner Alfred W. Redmer Jr.



  1. We are forced to pick and pay for health insurance, fined if not and then boom it goes up in cost. I just don't understand the nerve of our greedy governments ideas. I guess there will be more uninsured soon.

  2. I can't even begin to list the lies in this article.
    I am 50+, have a silver plan, and I pay 625 a month because my employer does not offer healthcare.
    It is NOT affordable, and come January, I will not have healthcare.
    This is more expensive than my car payment and more expensive than my mortgage.
    Making it $700+ is not an option, and I will not waste my money on a bronze plan.

    What an eff-ing unbelievable mess. eff the elite, every single one of them.

  3. 12:51
    Sadly there is nothing we can do but pay for it..or else. Responsible people don't go out and buy a 80k car if all they can afford is a 30k car. They budget their money. How do you budget something when it keeps going up and up and you really couldn't afford it in the first place!

  4. 1:02, ok sheeple. There is something YOU and all the rest of us can do. But for you it's someone else problem to solve, so your solution is just pay up.
    Thats the spirit!

  5. The best way to deal with this is to zero in on reality.

    1) What is mandated and what you're buying isn't health care, it's an INSURANCE POLICY.

    2) If the aforementioned insurance has such high deductibles and high premiums that you can't use it, what good is it? If YOU are paying for everything, it isn't insurance, is it? You're technically 'uninsured' until you reach the point where the insurance starts to pay (if ever). All you have is another big bill to pay with little or nothing to show for it.

    If you take that money you would have WASTED on an insurance policy that doesn't pay for any of your costs, and put that money into a savings account each month and start paying your own medical bills (with negotiated discounts), you will then have health care AND you'll still have your money.. you will likely come out ahead. Even after you pay any fines to the IRS.

    "Insurance" has gotten to be quite a rip-off.

  6. I be chillin wit Obama insurance...I loves it!!!!

  7. We have insurance through my wife's employer. Great insurance. Only problem is with the new health care laws, the hospitals and doctors offices have had to create new codes for billing the insurance companies. My wife had an issue on a Sunday where she went to the ER with severe pain in her neck and head from a past injury. She had a cat scan that was billed as two separate scans...one for her head and one for a 'body' scan (her neck). The hospital coded her visit as a 'headache' with no other coding. So, we have great insurance but are stuck with over $1100 to pay because the insurance company said the visit was not an 'emergency' and could have been handled by a walk in facility...which would have sent her to an ER anyway. So, thanks Obama.

  8. But Nobama said we would save $2500.00 a year. I am sure he didn't lie....
    Then Piglosi said to vote for the bill then you can read what is in it....

    How can so many people be so ignorant in this country to vote Democratic?

  9. Some people have benefited from ACA and some have not. My insurance has gone up very year I have had it since 1971. Rising insurance rates is not necessarily a function of the ACA but the for profit insurance companies.

    To get rid of your insurance all together and bank the money for when you need it is not the answer either unless you are already considerably wealthy. The cost of a real medical emergency would wipe out most peoples tiny efforts in a second.

    There is no real answer to this but a government single payer system
    like what old people have in medicare that can be supplemented by insurance companies for those who can afford it.

    Life saving medical care has not been the doctor attaching leeches to President Washington for a very long time. Anyway some believe the leeches are what killed him.


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