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Monday, September 28, 2015

Old Farmer's Almanac predicts 'super cold winter' on horizon

A “super cold winter” is coming.

That’s according to the 2016 Old Farmer’s Almanac, the latest installment of the quaint guidebook famous for forecasting the weather since 1792.

“[B]ut the good news is that areas with record-shattering snow last winter — like Boston — won’t have to deal with quite so many flakes,” editor Janice Stillman said in a press release.

Before Bostonians get too excited, the release did include the Northeast among regions that have “a slew of snow” to look forward to, along with the Ohio Valley, northern Plains and Pacific Northwest.

The Almanac derives its forecasts from a “secret formula” developed by its founder, Robert B. Thomas, nearly 225 years ago.



  1. Let's all hope it is so cold that Muslims freeze to death and the rest go home to the desert.

  2. The secret formula is that the earth weather follows very predictable cycles.
    Oh, the global warming that ended 18 years ago is one of those cycles.

  3. More fear mongering

  4. So now the Farmers Almanac is regarded as fear mongering?

  5. The farmers almanac , you got to be kidding me. Will it tell who's going to be president next year?


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