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Monday, September 28, 2015

Oh good: Iran will release 3 U.S. hostages if we release 19 actual criminals

When Obama and Kerry inked the Iran nuclear deal without demanding the release of four American hostages as a condition of the deal, they were naturally questioned about that decision. Kerry was his usually smug, irritated self, implying that no one should press the issue publicly because some sort of greater deal was in the works to deal with the hostage issue.

If the deal we're hearing about is the one he had in mind, it's another example of Obama and Kerry either being the world's worst negotiators, or - as the boss suggested on Sunday - simply giving away the store left and right because they really don't give a crap. Remember the trade of five Gitmo terrorists for deserter Bowe Bergdahl? Multiply the number of bad guys being released by nearly four, and you've got the deal that's apparently in the works. The only thing that might make this a little better is that the four Americans actually deserve their freedom.

But that doesn't change the fact that Obama and Kerry are about to give away what they absolutely did not have to:


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