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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ocean City Approves Signs Warning Against Disturbing Peace, Disorderly Conduct

OCEAN CITY — With Bike Week in the books and a handful of vehicle-related special events yet to come, Ocean City officials this week passed an ordinance requiring businesses to install signs warning revelers of the existing disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct laws.

Earlier this month, the Mayor and Council backed off a pair of rather draconian ordinances aimed at curbing some of the disruption associated with the offseason vehicle-related special events and opted instead to enforce disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace laws already on the books. Ever since the spring Cruisin’ event, with its big traffic jams, crowds of often disruptive and unruly onlookers lining the streets and cramming into business parking lots, for example, Ocean City officials have wrestled with ideas on how to continue to foster a welcoming attitude while toning down some of the illicit behavior associated with the events.

Borne out of those discussions was a pair of proposed ordinances which, if approved, would put a damper on the special events-related activities. One of the proposed ordinances would have expanded the Ocean City Police Department’s ability to enforce open container and public consumption laws on certain private property including the parking lots of shopping centers, hotels and motels and restaurants, for example. One of the major issues with some of the vehicle-related special events are the crowds of spectators that congregate with coolers in private parking lots, some merely enjoying the parade of vehicles and others egging on illicit behavior from the drivers.



  1. Who defines 'disturbing the public peace' or 'disorderly conduct'? Is there a standing legal definition with a list of offensive actions? Or, is it a 'make-it-up as you go' thing? Would flying your drone over 'Pork In The Park' or a busy public beach be disturbing the public peace? Or, driving around town shouting from a bullhorn, "Vote for Jake Day". How about a fart in church? Disorderly conduct? Who's call is it?

  2. Confused . . .
    The sign says violation of STATE law, but then lists an OC town ordinance at the bottom.


  3. OC take some of that high priced police talent you have and put them on the street during these special events and tell them don't come home unless you can keep the peace in your AOR.

  4. 1258 which already happens. Kinda hard being outnumbered 5000 to 1

  5. The "bikers" are probably way less trouble than other guests who visit OC.Most of them are middle aged men going through a second childhood.They are "bad ass bikers" with a 401k and dull day job.

  6. Never seen anywhere as small as OC with so many police.Just an excuse to spend more tax dollars on more police.

  7. Responding to 4:16 Poster -

    That's right - the OC municipality will pick your pockets quicker than a rattle snake strike. Make no mistake about it - I have warned people about OC more times than Carter has liver pills.

    The entire OC town has been out of control ever since Mayor Kelly relinquished the Mayoral form of governance to the OC Town Manager. Ever since then - the people (property owners) have become slaves to the municipal workers. That includes the Police, Firefighters, Public Works employees - heck it is so bad that even Granville Trimper couldn't make money anymore because of the 1 million dollar plus annual real estate tax bills. Vending machines, building permits, electrical permits, plumbing, zoning fees - you name - OC will tax it or fee it.


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