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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Obama Set to Deport 12 Iraqi Christian Refugees

Detained for 6 months while criminal illegals allowed to stay

More than half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the Obama administration has been holding at an ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California, are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced earlier this week.

An immigration judge ordered the deportation of 15 of the Christians, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said.

If the European nations receiving these Christians decide to send them back to Iraq they will face almost certain death.

The 27 Iraqi Christians — also known as Chaldeans — have been detained in Otay for about six months as their immigration cases proceeded, activists and family members told the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The Chaldeans were detained by immigration authorities after they attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation several months ago.

At the same time the Obama administration is deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants from Africa and the Middle East who crossed the Southern border the same way the Chaldeans did.

More here


  1. I just read that other countries will accept them.

  2. No Muslims deported by the muslim scumbag in chief

  3. Maybe they will take our POS president too.

  4. This is profiling and discriminatory by Obamanites. They should appeal since Obamanites allow criminals and ISIS have US rights. This shows his Christian beliefs. More like his Islamic beliefs.


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