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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

New Poll Shows Ben Carson Tied With Donald Trump Among GOP Voters

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Ben Carson’s campaign for president appears to be gaining momentum. A new poll released Monday has Carson tied for first place with Donald Trump, who has been running ahead of the pack all summer.

Pat Warren has more on what this might mean for Carson’s campaign.

Politicians are fond of saying a poll is just a snapshot in time, but any time you’re winning, it’s a picture worth framing.

Ben Carson is gaining ground in Iowa.



  1. I like Ben, but I don't think he will get rid of the illegal aliens.

  2. I don't believe the poll. Trump is way ahead in all polls.

  3. Trump/ Carson will be able to remedy all of that, 909!

  4. Polls? What utter crap. Listen, I need to clue you people in on something. "polls" are a completely manufactured thing. It's an utter contrivance. How does someone "rise" in the polls? They rise or fall in the polls based on the amount of news coverage they receive, be it good or bad. OK got it? Now, who controls the amount and "good" or "bad" coverage someone receives? Well, I'm going to tell you, whether its ABC CBS fox, MSNBC, or wboc or wmdt, it's the news directors at those stations that determine that. So - here is a class assignment for you people. Who are the news directors at WBOC and WMDT? FOX or MSNBC? And what are their political affiliations?

    That right - all stinking commies. ALL

    Now, what does this mean? It meamns that news directors are trying to pick your republican candidate for you. They want the weakest Republican Candidate possible to go up against queen Hillary or perhaps Biden or Sanders, all incredibly weak dems.

    So to sum up, polls are complete crap, so whenever you hear "polls say x". Realize the propoganda gun has just been turned in your direction.

    Got it? You're welcome.


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