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Monday, September 07, 2015

Navajo president blasts feds after FEMA rejects request for disaster relief from EPA toxic spill

DENVER — Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye unloaded on the federal government Friday after the Federal Emergency Management Agency refused his request for disaster relief resulting from the Environmental Protection Agency’s toxic spill.

The notice came as the EPA began removing emergency water tanks last week provided to Navajo farmers for their livestock.

“We are extremely frustrated with the news that both FEMA and the U.S. EPA have declined our urgent requests to continue assistance to the Navajo Nation,” Mr. Begaye said in a late Friday statement.


  1. if the navajo nation had caused the spill,the whole wrath of the gov't would be on their shoulders another instance of the incompetence of the current administration

  2. THE EPA needs to go.

  3. The Demon-crats keep saying big government will take care of everyone.

  4. R E V O L U T I O N.
    Two sets of laws.
    In your face.
    And they don't even care that you see it or worry about what you will do about it.
    Keep cheering.....

  5. Because our government hasn't screwed the Indians enough throughout history? Smallpox blanket, anyone?


  6. Paging Fauxahontas "Call your office."


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