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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Muslim migrants target nations with higher wages

An Islam expert is criticizing the extreme demands of mostly Muslim migrants from the Middle East who seek asylum in nations with the highest wages.

“And for what job are they being paid?” writes Islam expert Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch.

“Proving Europe’s multicultural bona fides?”

His retort came after the London Express reported migrants from Syria “are demanding they are allowed to go to Sweden or Finland because the terms of asylum are more favorable for them.”

The report quoted asylum seeker Marwen el Mohammed giving his reasons.

He said he wants to avoid Denmark because “the salary for refugees decreased about 50 percent from 10,000 kroner, about $1,500, to about 5,000 kroner.

Further, he said in the report, Finland and other countries allow families to join together “within two or three months,” but Denmark requires them to wait a year. 


1 comment:

  1. So they can act like Mexicans. Make money here and send it home to feed whatever. In Muslims case .....terrorism.


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