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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Montgomery Co. Council aims to crack down on prostitution

WASHINGTON — Soliciting a prostitute is already a criminal offense, but in Montgomery County, lawmakers are taking another look at ways to go after the problem.

A bill being sponsored by Montgomery County Council members Tom Hucker and Craig Rice would allow police to issue civil citations for prostitution. It would be $500 for the first offense and $750 for each subsequent offense.

The bill is being introduced in a council session Tuesday; a public hearing is scheduled for Oct. 20 at 1:30 p.m.



  1. I wonder how much the council will be fined

  2. Prostitutes in fashionable Montgomery County.Can flying monkeys be far away?

  3. That approach is rather dumb.If these men and women are out selling their body to earn money,they obviously can not pay several hundred dollars in fines....Faced with coming up with $750,they will go sell themselves again to earn it....

  4. Keep an eye on these two lawmakers, probably be the first two caught.

  5. Just regulate it, tax it and understand why this is the world's oldest profession.


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