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Monday, September 28, 2015

Maryland cracking down on domestic violence

SILVER SPRING, Md. (WJLA) — Beginning Thursday, District and Circuit Courts in Maryland will have stricter control over non-marital cases of domestic abuse.

Under the new law, if a man or woman beats their romantic partner, a judge can now force them to immediately surrender their gun[s], no questions asked. The law also doubles the length of dating restraining orders from six to 12 months.

"This is going to make a difference," said Laurie Duker, vice president of the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV). "Victims of dating violence deserve all the same protection that spouses who are being abused receive, and now they're going to get it. I think more people in abusive relationships will now come to court, say what's happened and have the court change it."

According to MNADV, guns were behind nearly 74 percent of domestic violence deaths in Maryland last fiscal year.



  1. Oh yeah. All the false accusations by both men yet mostly women and they get the automatic your guns are gone. Not found guilty. Just accused.

  2. 1:05 they are trying to prevent deaths related to domestic violence, what part of that don't you understand, it doesn't say they keep your weapons for ever. When the threat of violence is no long imminent I'm sure you get your weapons back, they could belong to the female of the equation or the male sexist!

    1. 1:42
      You will never own a firearm in the State of Maryland with any peace orders or accusation lime these against you.

    2. Yes 1:42 they are just trying to help us the poor little serfs

  3. Don't count on getting your guns back. This is the government you're talking about.

  4. Just bash her brains out with a hammer then, no piece of paper ever protected anyone from a determined killer.

  5. this will not make anyone safer. sorry

  6. Been a Victim of a Crazy Women's LiesSeptember 28, 2015 at 3:42 PM

    Hello: There is a Constitution, and Due Process....

    What are you going to do with the LIARS that accuse others?


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