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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Man Tweets: “Kill All White People” Then THIS Happens

By now you’ve seen the outrageous and violent behavior of some in the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.

Not only are they destroying businesses and their own communities but they have threatened anyone who isn’t black and they have celebrated white cops who are killed.

One could even say they are partially responsible for the deaths of the cops that have been killed.

An unknown man on Twitter decided to make the claim that he wanted to ‘Purge’ and ‘Kill all the White People’ in his home town of La Plata.

Big mistake.

From Breitbart:

Maryland resident Carlos Anthony Hollins has been arrested and charged for allegedly issuing deadly threats against La Plata residents via his personal Twitter account.

The La Plata Police Department decided to put more officers on the street after Hollins’ arrest, according to NBC Washington.



  1. Evidently the fool can't count.


    The NAACP has lost it's way. If they really and truly cared about blacks they would be offering classes in how to speak English.
    "I'm not gonna stand for this NO more?"
    I mean, come on. No one can expect anyone to hire this person much less take them seriously, when they speak like some kind of ghetto trash, hood rat.

  3. They all make me sick even hear on a local level.
    A 10 year old shot in Baltimore a night ago and not a word from anyone including the local scum who couldn't wait to jump on the Hands Up and Black Lives Matter movements.
    Even Ashanti local naacp mouthpiece couldn't wait to shove her putrid head up the stinking rectum of the race baiters and went as far as to praise Mosby for her supposedly courage. UMES naacp same thing.
    But BLACK children being shot by BLACKS and not a word from any of them. Just all around ignorant disgusting dregs of society who unless they can attach a racial agenda to a killing could care less about it-even when it's a child.
    Start valuing life you uncivilized freaks of nature!
    And Yes I am angry because it's disgusting that this little boy is a nonissue but thugs they care about.

  4. He had better hope all white people aren't killed. Who would pay for the benefits he, and others like him, in all likelihood, receive?


  6. BLM is just a more radical racist black group than the NAACP...and the UNCF....and the black caucus. The government is the MOST racist organization in this country. It defines everything by race. Laws, programs, entitlements, voting districts, and so on. So much for MLK's "dream" of his children being judged by the quality of their character, and not the color of their skin. The assassination of MLK was the worst thing that ever happened to the goal of "equality" for all people, regardless of race.

  7. Anonymous said...

    The NAACP has lost it's way. If they really and truly cared about blacks they would be offering classes in how to speak English.
    "I'm not gonna stand for this NO more?"
    I mean, come on. No one can expect anyone to hire this person much less take them seriously, when they speak like some kind of ghetto trash, hood rat.

    September 5, 2015 at 8:24 AM

    Mary Ashanti speaks worse than this. What do you expect!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He had better hope all white people aren't killed. Who would pay for the benefits he, and others like him, in all likelihood, receive?

    September 5, 2015 at 10:21 AM

    They are to stupid to understand that concept.

  9. There has been about 5 or 6 blacks teen agers and children shot this week alone in Baltimore. I know of at least one that died who was 17. All blacks gunned down by blacks.
    It's amazing when you go to all the Facebooks like the Baltimore City police, The Sun Paper and other Balitmore media outlets not a word from any of the NAACP chapters or any black churches or programs even saying so much as this needs to stop.
    But so true, how they all couldn't wait to ram their heads up the rectum of the Freddie Gray case and all the others ones where they could attach an agenda to it. They are so nauseating the way a life means nothing in black circles unless and until there's an agenda to it. They dare not ever question why blacks are killing each other off in record numbers. The answer is obvious. Blacks do not value life and anyone who says they do is a damn liar.


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