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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Man Convicted of Murder in 1993 Is Ordered Released After Key Evidence Was Withheld

A man who had served 24 years on a murder conviction was released on Monday, after the Brooklyn district attorney admitted his office had withheld key evidence in the case against the man, Ruddy Quezada.

The conviction was vacated after a search of records, prompted by Mr. Quezada’s latest legal challenge, found that prosecutors concealed information from him as he was seeking to have his conviction reversed.

Mr. Quezada, 53, is one of several men to have a conviction vacated in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn since early 2014. The office of the district attorney, Kenneth P. Thompson, has been reviewing dozens of convictions under his long-serving predecessor, Charles J. Hynes, and defendants are also challenging old convictions in court.


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