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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Limbaugh: Ben Carson Correct on Muslim Stance

Rush Limbaugh said during his recent radio broadcast Ben Carson is right – Sharia law conflicts with the Constitution and a Muslim president would put the American system of republican government in danger.

“If you look into Sharia law, you will not find any consistency with the U.S. Constitution,” Limbaugh said. “Sharia law is the law which is used to behead women in Islamic countries who have been raped. Sharia law is the reason women in Islamic countries can’t drive. Sharia law is so inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution Ben Carson could not be more right.”

Limbaugh said the media was generating a false outrage, and Carson was getting caught up in the political correctness.

“So outraged, the media,” he said. “We have a nation filled with apologists for Islam, as you know. It’s been on of the most amazing things. 9/11 happens, militant Islam kills 3,000 Americans, and all of a sudden there’s a giant Islamic apologist group in this country that grows and grows and grows. Based on what, I don’t know, ‘we better not make them angrier than they already are.’”

Limbaugh then said, “the question becomes, ‘Well are all Muslims believers in Sharia? Or are they not?’ And that’s open-ended.”



  1. Limbaugh's first statement here is correct. Sharia Law does conflict with the law set forth in the constitution. It is unfortunate that he keeps talking and throwing blame around and turns back into the nit wit he is....Sad

  2. wait...the Muslims THEMSELVES say Islam is not compatible with democracy. But when one of US says it, we're racist?

  3. More people need to say what they believe and stop worrying about political correctness. If you don't like what Ben Carson stands for or says: DON'T VOTE FOR HIM! I'm sure he would prefer only people who support him and his beliefs.

  4. 12:28,
    Please elaborate on what he says that turns him back into a nit wit [sic]?

  5. So he agrees that the constitution should come above anyone's personal religious beliefs?

  6. The harsh reality is that the muslim culture will never integrate into the U.S. their culture is so completely different there is just no possibility.

    1. Thats why they plan on taking over Europe and having 6/8 muslim children look at England.

  7. The founding fathers, foundation, Constitution and Bill of Rights will NEVER be compatible with Sharia Law or the Koran. There may be Muslims who don't follow Sharia Law, but they do follow the Koran.

    Educate yourselves regarding what Sharia Law is and what the Koran teaches. Then and only then will you understand and can make an honest, educated assessment of this issue and of the comments made by Trump, Dr. Carson and many others.

    Without going through ALL the many ways Muslims can never be the president of the U.S. of America, let's just look at one. The Koran tells the Muslims to KILL the infidels. If you're not a Muslim, that's you. Now if you want to become a Muslim, that's fine, but for most of us, that's NOT an option.

    Sadly, I'm one of the 52% of Americans who either question the Christian faith of our current president or believe he's a Muslim. period...

  8. I'll go you one better. The Democrat party is not compatible with our republican form of government either.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More people need to say what they believe and stop worrying about political correctness. If you don't like what Ben Carson stands for or says: DON'T VOTE FOR HIM! I'm sure he would prefer only people who support him and his beliefs.

    September 23, 2015 at 2:03 PM

    that is just stupid. even if those who don't agree with him don't vote for him, but he is (s)elected anyway they will still have to deal with him. you sound like peloski. we have to elect him to see what's inside of him. no thanks.

  10. Anonymous 8:15 you are a IDIOT! People voted for Obama... how did that turn out! People voted for O'Malley... how did that work out! If you vote for a candidate I would assume you do your research to find out if that person aligns with your beliefs and standards; if they do then vote for that person, if not vote for someone else.


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