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Monday, September 07, 2015

Kim Davis No Longer Alone - 30 Judges In North Carolina Refusing Homosexual Marriage

More than 30 magistrates in North Carolina have refused to perform weddings. But thanks to a new state law, they were able to do so legally.

Right after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June, the state passed a law allowing officials to opt out of performing all marriages.

The law exempts court officials with a “sincerely held religious objection” and is designed for those opposing gay marriage.


  1. These guys are doing nothing to further their cause. Don't they understand they will be removed from these positions therefore eliminating any chance they have to affect change? You cannot choose which laws to follow. If you can, I am headed to the next bank to rob.

  2. Does My Obama...my savior know this....what would he say?

  3. So what will stop some muslim from enforcing his/her crazy beliefs on citizens when they need something that the muslims don't think is right according to their 'religion'?

  4. Oh I don't know you could slip across the border.Have a government job and email classified material on your private server.Call yourself a reverend and not pay your taxes or how about sell some baby parts.Who says you can't choose which laws to follow?

  5. 2:02-Then they'll be sitting around the house eating chips and watching TV wondering what went wrong.

  6. 2:02 There has never been a gay marriage law. The Supreme Court handed down a idealism. There was never a law written approving gay marriage by the Supreme Court.

  7. 202, the SC can't make a law, therefore there's no law broken. Walk away from that whipping post and stand up on your own for once!

  8. Wow. You mean the entire country is not holding hands and rejoicing in everlasting happiness over the latest deviancy?
    I'm shocked!


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