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Sunday, September 06, 2015

JUST IN: Senate Dems get 34th vote to hand Obama victory on Iran deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats have rallied the 34 votes they need to keep the Iran nuclear deal alive in Congress, handing President Barack Obama a major foreign policy victory.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland became the crucial 34th vote Wednesday morning, declaring the agreement is the best way to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Congress is to vote later this month on a resolution disapproving the deal, which is unanimously opposed by Republicans, who call it a dangerous giveaway to Iran.

Obama has vowed to veto the resolution if it passes. It would take 34 votes to uphold his veto, and Democrats now have those in hand.



  1. Why am I not surprised.

  2. Joe post any Republican that voted for this , this is Treason.

  3. BABS' going out in a BLAZE of "glory"

  4. They SAY they have the votes, but make them actually go on record by pulling the lever... we will see what happens.
    Make these people go on record handing our enemy a nuclear weapon.

  5. Since this is a Presidential-level agreement and not a treaty - hopefully the next real President will say - your agreement was with him - call him to help you...meanwhile, sanction city!

  6. We'll ALL go out in a blaze if the Dems have their way with this. A blazing mushroom.

  7. When democrats are sworn into office they have to take a pledge to loyalty to the Democratic party. They are given favors for this and I guess they are calling in those favors now. May the reap what the sow!

  8. I suspect the "favor" was a visit from one of Ob's czars...

  9. 10:46 You are correct. If Americans are smart enough to elect a Republican next year this agreement will be voided.

  10. I am glad some people in government are responsible. The Lord knows it is not us Republicans.

  11. It just had to be Marge Schotts lesbian twin from maryland to do this. Not surprised. So done with this crap dem state.

  12. She doesn't have any children who are going to go to war to defend us. How can this woman sleep at night? Disgraceful.

  13. This deal is very bad. It's like giving the prisoners the keys to prison because they said they wouldn't leave.

  14. Love how the Republicans took over BOTH the House and Senate in the last election yet Obama and the Democrats have passed more of their policies in this term than any other. Republicans truly need to get their house in order. No one to blame but themselves.

  15. It's only a treaty and can be changed by the next president hopefully before a nuclear attack.

  16. Wish we could the village idiot off and return to him birth country

  17. A global cleansing is coming.

  18. "The Weasel Coalition."
    What do you think these weasels are being promised in order to get them to support this deal?
    And you KNOW they are getting something for it. You can be absolutely sure of it.

  19. treaties must be approved by the senate, i still dont see a win

  20. It doesn't matter if the agreement is voided by the next administration. That is too late because they will already have their billions of dollars to increase their nuclear capabilities and support terrorism against the United States. if the deal goes through they get their money released. It is now or never.

  21. That was a no brainer.....Oh well death to America, FN bleeding heart liberals

  22. I am of the opinion the Democrats just handed the Republicans the election next year. The majority of American citizens in my commute from both party's are against this bill. Another stupid democrat decision.

  23. Cant wait till a bleeding heart liberal knocks on my door for helo......SLAMMMMMM.

  24. SHE IS A TOTAL DISGRACE AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. She's kept getting elected just because she's a Democrat and those people just go in the voting booth and vote for the party.

  25. She is giving our police bullet proof vest and billions to Iranians terriorist. Does that make cents? Billions versus thousands! What a sad old fool!

  26. It wouldn't make any difference what the owebama resolution said, certain Democrats would vote for it.


  28. Makes you proud to be from Md. don't it?

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Love how the Republicans took over BOTH the House and Senate in the last election yet Obama and the Democrats have passed more of their policies in this term than any other. Republicans truly need to get their house in order. No one to blame but themselves.

    September 2, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    Yeah! WTF happened?

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "The Weasel Coalition."
    What do you think these weasels are being promised in order to get them to support this deal?
    And you KNOW they are getting something for it. You can be absolutely sure of it.

    September 2, 2015 at 12:01 PM

    Their life's that's what. Some were threatened and some were just plain stupid. We have an emergency room physician who served in the Navy who loves Obama.

  31. Anonymous said...
    SHE IS A TOTAL DISGRACE AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. She's kept getting elected just because she's a Democrat and those people just go in the voting booth and vote for the party.

    September 2, 2015 at 1:59 PM

    That's how they voted for Obama, O'Malley and Jim Ireton. Stupid is as stupid does. RINO's beware!


  32. Gee, the suspense about whether Babs would carry Obama's water was intense!

    Funny thing is the mullahs she is giving the green light to are laughing all the way to the bank, and her vote won't buy her any compassion from their plans for those they categorize as infidels.

    But by backing Obama and his crazy 'treaty' she is signing a death warrant for untold number of innocent people.

    Her decision, and the one by Coons (DE) will allow Cardin to pose as a man of principle, if he chooses Stay tuned.

  33. I thought they arrested people for aiding terriost. Why aren't these people in jail.

  34. That old bag with nothing to lose.


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