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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Joe Biden sends Democratic Party in a panic

Democrats cast a loving eye on the crazy uncle in the attic

Vice President Joe Biden wants to be president. Good for him. But twice bitten, more than a little shy. The only memorable moment in either attempt was the speech he swiped from a British politician and gave without reading it first, describing himself as the son of a Welsh coal miner. (Who knew, including Joe himself?) Just a year ago, he seemed resigned to being remembered as only a vice president.

That seemed reasonable. Hillary Clinton was not just the slam-dunk favorite of most Democrats, but widely regarded as the only candidate worth consideration. Her resume as a former first lady, a former senator and a former secretary of state with a formidable gift for raising money seemed qualification enough. Giddy Democrats imagined a first woman following the first black to the White House. Even as President Obama was being sworn in, her friends and followers announced themselves “Ready for Hillary.”



  1. I hope, for his own well being, he does not run. He is grieving and he should take this time to do just that.

  2. He should run, he will be elected by the sympathy vote, to hell with Hitlery!

  3. 10:56 - which is why we should elect a non-politician...to a lot of positions!

  4. "We do NOT need another IDIOT in the White House"

    That disqualifies the entire republican field then. The next presidential election is going to suck.


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