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Monday, September 21, 2015

Joe Biden Gets Wife’s Permission: Let’s Do This!

I can now officially say, “I told you so.” Biden jumping in is the first half of my prediction on this… picking Elizabeth Warren as his VP is the second. Biden running was a foregone conclusion with the Hildabeast being mortally wounded politically from scandal fallout. What I find disgusting here is the faux premise of getting his wife’s support. Really, Joe? You had to get your wifie’s permission to run for the most powerful position in the land? If that were true (which it isn’t), that would mean she would be running the country and Biden would be hiding behind her skirts. How ridiculous. Even worse, is this revolting play on his son’s death and the emotional turmoil surrounding his passing. Biden is using it as a political prop. Shameful.

From NBC News:

Contrary to reports suggesting Vice President Joe Biden’s wife remains an obstacle to his potential presidential run, sources tell NBC News that Jill Biden is fully behind him for another bid.

Jill Biden, sources tell NBC’s Chuck Todd, is 100 percent on-board with a presidential run, despite reports indicating her hesitation is part of what’s keeping Biden from jumping into the race.

And that looks more likely by the day, as sources have indicated Biden’s been meeting with Democratic leaders during his travels around the nation over the past week to tell them he wants to do it and thinks there’s room for him to make a credible bid if he does.

The key question that’s still weighing on his mind as he decides whether to make another go of it: Does he have the emotional energy to give it his all, sources say.

But Biden knows that if he has any hopes of winning the nomination, he’s better off deciding whether to run by Oct. 1 than waiting until the drop-dead deadline of Nov. 5, the day before the first Democratic primary filing deadline, in Alabama.

Deciding within the next three weeks would give him a slot in the first Democratic primary debate, on Oct. 13 in Las Vegas.



  1. Going to be entertaining.

  2. Alzheimer Joe ready to go...Where's he going again?

  3. Both Hillary and Trump have peaked.

    Thank goodness.

  4. Hillary peaked at the bottom Trump leveled off but is still the only one besides Carson not owned by lobbyists.

  5. Biden is trying to gain all the sympathy he can before he says, ok I'm running. Getting a little tired of all the hoopla now, either you are or you're not. Trump has not peaked yet 5:11 PM, he's got a lot left in him yet and I just love it because all the politicians do not like him and he's not owned by any of the lobbyists. Love it. As far as the Hildabeast, she should be in prison, not on the road politicking.

  6. Let the circus began


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