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Monday, September 14, 2015

Investigation: The US government’s 9/11 secrets



  1. Remember Bush let several Saudi families fly home on their private jets after 9-11

  2. This coupled with the fact that the twin towers could not have collapsed as reported gives us pause here. I'm not into all the conspiracies, but there is a reason our government is hiding these 28 pages and more.

    When all this is finally revealed, we will be shocked at the truth. So sad our country is sliding down.

  3. Go ahead, censor away, but consider Joe, the largest attack since pearl harbour, and what did Rummy Cheney Bush OK? Saudis flying around closed airspace collecting their families? For years I've wondered what was redacted, YEARS- Harris can read it but I can't? And now, NOW that american gas prices have been brought so low as to endanger us oil interests (in an economic war between us oil and Saudi oil) -(and sure, yes, a by product of that is that the serfs have more spending money on a month to month basis for a short time) but NOW our news media and politicians are NOW asking for the redacted info to be made public, as a threat against the house of saud which the bush admin LET GO?!!! It makes my blood boil. They knew Joe, our politicians knew, and they kept their vane, pretty, stupid, whore mouthes shut

    For oil

    1. Yeah we killed 3000
      Americans along with Over 4000 vets ? ,,fool.

  4. Still no scientific answer as to how building 7 collapsed just office furniture burning caused the collapse.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah we killed 3000
    Americans along with Over 4000 vets ? ,,fool.

    September 14, 2015 at 6:09 PM

    what's so hard to believe? the gov does whatever the banksters tell them to do. wake up...fool


  6. America you just wait and see what is next on the agenda,get ready for major killings maybe in the millions.Here we are race fighting and our govt is going to care less about how superior you think you are,it's all about POWER.Dead is Dead and color doesn't matter to the Powerful Elite of the World.


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