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Monday, September 14, 2015

Intel Losses, Including Clinton Emails, Caused Serious Damage

Intelligence compromises over the past five years, including the transfer of top-secret data on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, inflicted serious damage on U.S. national security, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Wednesday.

Rep. Mac Thornberry (R., Tex.), who has headed the committee since January, said the combined effect of disclosures to the anti-secrecy website Wikileaks, the theft of over a million National Security Agency secret documents by the renegade NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and now the potential loss of secrets from Clinton’s use of a private email system is helping American adversaries such as China, Russia, and the Islamic State.

“It has certainly helped our primary adversaries,” Thornberry said during a wide-ranging interview in his office at the Rayburn building.

The chairman said he believes the compromise of intelligence information over the past five years is “probably the most damaging thing that’s happened to U.S. national security.”

“Whether it was Wikileaks or Snowden or now the Hillary emails, we have done more to hurt ourselves than the Russians, the Chinese, the terrorists, or anybody else that you want to name.”

“This is serious business when you have top secret emails on a private server, and then you think it all goes away by saying ‘I’m sorry.’ It’s just… The damage to the country is just enormous when you put these compromises together.”



  1. So was this part of the plan? And now we will suffer?I mean its for the kids right? Gotta clamp down on security, lock up the internet. Dam spies everywhere. You do know the terrorist have won? because we have pussy libtarded, NWO suck ups running this country. Cheep cheering thinking these rainbow warriors will stop

  2. They need to put her IN JAIL.

  3. What troubles me is that Hillary still has this information in her head and on some other storage device that she's kept secret, and is still using it to make back room deals with our enemies.

  4. Lost, I don't think so.


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