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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How a spider caused a car to T-bone a school bus

It all began innocently enough: An Indiana woman, with her 9-year-old son in tow, put her car in reverse and began backing out of her driveway.

But then terror struck. Specifically, terror in the form of an eight-legged creature, resting upon the driver’s shoulder.

Yes, a spider. And it scared Angela Kipp so much that the 35-year-old jumped out of her moving car on Friday, according to the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.

Somehow, Kipp’s 9-year-old son still had his wits about him, despite his mother having just jumped out of a moving car. The boy sprang into action, climbing from the back seat into the driver’s seat, authorities said. But as he tried to hit the brake pedal, he instead pressed down on the throttle. The car rammed right into a passing school bus.



  1. I had a bee sting the crap out of me while I was driving,but I never took my eyes off of the road.I pulled into a parking lot & got him out of my car.In a sense deer kill people every year because they swerve to miss them & run into a tree or worse.Investigators used to just assume that people fell asleep & thus crashed,but for some years now they have been able to determine by examining the body if the person was actually asleep or awake when the accident occurred.

  2. Bees, spiders, snakes...they all cause people to hurt THEMSELVES over their irrational fears.

  3. I hope the spider is OK.

  4. Reckless driving.
    She should be ticketed.


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