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Tuesday, September 08, 2015


Exclusive: Myra Adams interviews Roger Stone, famous GOP strategist

Today’s Q&A is with Roger Stone, a seasoned political operative and pundit. A veteran of eight national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents before leaving the GOP for the Libertarian Party. He is author of the New York Times bestseller, “The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ,” and has written for Fox Opinion, Breitbart News, the Daily Caller’s StoneZone.com and the op-ed page of the New York Times. A well-known voice in politics for more than 40 years, Roger Stone often gives insights on behind-the-scenes political agendas on Fox News, CNN, CNBC and MSNBC.

WND: Recently in Politico, you described your forthcoming book, “The Clintons’ War on Women,” as “The definitive expose’ on Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Raw, shocking and true.”

Is your description just hype to stimulate pre-sales since the book will not be released until Oct. 13, or are you and your co-author Robert Morrow really breaking new ground that will make headlines and possibly impact the 2016 race?

ROGER STONE: The mainstream media have suppressed the shocking truth about the Clintons and the way they have climbed over the backs of innocent women, men and children in their quest for power and wealth. Most people who read this book will learn shocking facts for the first time. Clinton’s apologists will try to dismiss it as “old news.” News is not “old” to those who never heard it. The book is not about Whitewater or Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton and a cigar. It is the true story of serial rape, intimidation, violence, terror tactics, drugs, lies, greed, cover-up and ambition. It’s blunt, ugly and shocking. It’s the definitive expose on Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Bill and Hillary Clinton are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of our political system.



  1. Bill and Hillary for prison 2015!

  2. Sign me up for a copy.

  3. laughable, where is any shred of proof whatsoever? and if anyone things the "mainstream media" would cover up any story that would bring them ratings, they are idiots.

  4. There are no surprises left about the Clintons.

  5. There is evidence that Hillary and Bill once had sex together, but even that can be refuted.

  6. 11:09--
    Mainstream media reports what it's told is news. Ratings are a second consideration at best; sh!t like Ferguson is what they show footage of, to stir the pot. Some of the people you call idiots are simply more well-informed than you care to be.

  7. He was as bad as the Penn. State Coaches!


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