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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton Hacked Emails For Sale

Just as email-gate looked to be winding down, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned a person claiming to be a computer specialist has come forward with the stunning news that 32,000 emails from Hillary Clinton‘s private email account are up for sale. The price tag — a whopping $500,000!

Promising to give the trove of the former Secretary of State’s emails to the highest bidder, the specialist is showing subject lines as proof of what appear to be legitimate messages.



  1. Paid Freddie Gray's family a cool 6 mil.....take the $500,000 out of the FBI's budget.
    Maybe Trey Gowdy could put up half.
    Heck. Someone start a GoFundMe account.
    I'm thinking someone is going to buy them and then blackmail the Clinton's. Who will then kill the guy.
    She's in trouble.

  2. It would be cool if Donald Trump paid for their release.

  3. Rush said he might buy them and then give to the FBI!!!


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