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Monday, September 28, 2015

Harper’s Index

Estimated percentage change since 2010 in household food consumption in Greece : –15

Amount won by a Czech family in June for completing a reality show that re-created rural life under Nazi occupation : $40,000

Rank of Syria among the world’s largest sources of refugees last year : 1

Number of consecutive years before 2014 that Afghanistan held that rank : 32

Portion of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iraq and Syria under the control of the Islamic State : 1/3

Number of Twitter users who follow @ISILCats, an Islamic State propaganda account featuring pictures of kittens : 5,188

Portion of anti-Muslim discrimination and harassment in France that is directed at women : 4/5

Number of celebrities, politicians, and athletes currently under investigation by British police for sexual abuse : 261



  1. Confirmed number of Americans aged 112 or older : 10

    Number that age listed as alive on Social Security rolls : 4,700,000

  2. Sort of like our voting rolls.

  3. Hay, Zombie's like to vote, and Zombie Lives Matter!
    Zombies for Hillary in 2016!!


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